You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

Remember the rock group, Bachman-Turner Overdrive?

When I was a student at Columbia University in 1974, they had a hit song, You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet.

That BTO song could be the anthem, fifty years later, in 2024 from the fallout of the occupation of Columbia and other American universities by the so-called pro-Palestinian protesters.

I say so-called, because their opposition to what’s taking place between Israel and Hamas is just a cover for what I believe is their overall ambition; the overthrow of our democracy.

Why do I say that?  I’m just reading what the protesters themselves are saying.

How about this headline in the New York Times from this past Wednesday:

It’s Not Just Gaza:  Student Protesters See Links to a Global Struggle

The article says the Gaza protests are linked to other issues, such as policing, mistreatment of Indigenous people, racism and the impact of climate change.

That’s a pretty, pretty big basket of bitches.

Here’s what a 20-year old UCLA student told the newspaper:

When you are part of any oppressed group, especially people that are experiencing direct state violence like being part of the Pan-African diaspora within the United States, which is built on enslavement and dehumanization and degradation of African peoples, that does politicize you.

Translation:  America is rotten to its core and is ripe for revolution.

Or how about this one from a freshman at Cornell:

As an environmentalist, we pride ourselves on viewing the world through intersectional lenses.  Climate justice is an everyone issue.  It affects every dimension of identity, because it’s rooted in the same struggles of imperialism, capitalism—things like that.

(Just as an aside, I guess her compadres at Columbia don’t share her same climate concerns because they left behind a heap of garbage after their tent city was broken up.)

But I digress. Translate her struggle against imperialism and capitalism to mean she hates the United States.  

And we’ve all heard the chant of Globalize the Intifada.  You don’t need a translation to know what that means.

The entire saga being played out at American colleges and universities right now is part of a much larger production, and it’s highly organized and it’s well financed.  It’s anti-American.  And we have only ourselves to blame.

The privileged kids who grew up in a society where all ideas are equally valid, where they all have their own truths, where everyone gets a trophy, have teamed up with the professional anarchists and revolutionaries.

The anger and hate on display at Columbia will not end with the expert and efficient bust up by the NYPD.  Our universities are already deep into decline with radicalized students, politicized professors, and castrated and sometimes complicit administrators.

The campus takeovers we’ve been witnessing are only the warmup.

Yeah, sure, today it’s Israel, the Zionists, the Jews, Gaza, yada, yada.  Tomorrow it will be the US.

Prodded by politicians and coddled by the media, the fuse has been lit and we are headed for an explosion that will take place this summer at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Remember the scene in 1968, with 10,000 anti-war demonstrators facing off with the unrestrained Chicago cops and the National Guard?

It was a bloody mess.  After four days and nights of violence, 670 demonstrators were arrested, hundreds more injured along with almost 200 police officers hurt.

Cue the song…You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet.  Chicago 2024.  What a perfect venue for an encore.

Do you think that if Donald Trump wins, these Marxist, these anti-imperialist revolutionaries won’t use it as an excuse to launch their global intifada?  And don’t you think there will be American politicians who will rush to their defense?

We will be warned not to stifle their freedom of speech, that they are confronting injustice and inequality, that we need to listen to them.

I’m listening and I can hear it loud and clear;  From sea to shining sea, America will be free!

I’m listening and I don’t like what I’m hearing.

While We’ve been tripping out on campus takeovers FW/oB has found some comic relief.

You may have seen the interview with one of the occupiers of Columbia’s Hamilton Hall, demanding, with a straight face, in all seriousness, that the university provide them with food and water, because they paid for the meal plan. She’s a PhD student at the university but she’s clearly also a moron.

If you want to refresh your memory, or get a chuckle, click Me Want Cookie below and wait for the ad the end.

Me Want Cookie!

Now, have you seen the description of her dissertation?

Here are some excerpts:

My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860…I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination.

I know I have a very smart audience, so I look forward to anyone who can explain this to me because it is beyond my ken.

But I caution you not to believe all the campus takeover-its are buffoons. 

Yes, they’ve been busted, but they’ve not been broken. They’re getting ready to step on the gas and turn into overdrive. And we’d all better fasten our seatbelts, because  b-b-b-baby, you just ain’t seen n-n-n-nothing yet.

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