Who am I and why should you

spend your precious time reading this blog?

I’m a native New Yorker (except for the five years I spent in LA exile) and a lifelong journalist. I’ve covered news in this town for four decades. I’ve seen it all and covered it all.

As a newsman, I tried to speak truth to power, demand answers from our elected so-called representatives and to fight for transparency and honesty. But I could never express my personal opinions.

Now I can and let me tell you, I have a lot of them. Full disclosure, I’m a registered Democrat, only because in this one-party city, only the votes of Democrats count.

My promise to you is that I won’t be wishy-washy. You’ll always know where I stand and why.

New York can be the greatest place to live or it can be Dante’s ninth circle of hell. You know what I’m talking about. But here’s the thing…we can’t accept the status quo. We can’t throw up our hands and say “that’s just the way it is” and go along with the lies and obfuscation, aka bullshit.

If we don’t fight for our city, if we don’t fight for ourselves, then we might as well move to Boca Raton.

David Friend
NYC, January 2022

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