The Horse’s Mouth

If you think Israel’s war with Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen’s Houthis and Iraq’s Islamic Resistance is just between them, I have news for you.

If you think the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish demonstrations in the streets of our cities, and the encampments at American colleges and universities are just about Israel and Gaza, I have news for you.

If you think the American homeland isn’t in danger of Iranian-backed terrorism, I have news for you.

I didn’t have to go far to get my news.  It came straight from a primary source, or the horse’s mouth, so to speak.  It came straight from Iran’s supreme leader.  So if you ask, how do I know, it’s because the ayatollah Ali Khamenei told me so.

It came out on his website, just this past week, in a shout out to American university students following what he says is their courageous defense of the Palestinian people.

You can read the whole thing, and you should, by clicking the link, but allow me to give you the highlights.

Khamenei’s Letter

To the American college agitators he says, You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government’s ruthless pressure—a government which openly supports the usurper and brutal Zionist regime.

Khamenei goes on to write, The greater Resistance Front which shares the same understandings and feelings that you have today, has been engaged in the same struggle for many years in a place far from you.

In other words, the terrorist groups and militias under Iran’s control are one with the misguided American students that have paralyzed college campuses and have terrorized Jewish students.

In the open letter, Khamenei distorts history, sounding a lot like the young fools who accused Israel of being an illegitimate colonial entity.

After the World War, the capitalist Zionist network gradually imported several thousand terrorists into this land [Palestine, as it was known back then] with the help of the British government. These terrorists attacked cities and villages, murdered tens of thousands of people and pushed out multitudes into neighboring countries. They [meaning the Jews] seized their homes, businesses and farmlands, formed a government in the usurped land of Palestine and called it Israel.

According to the Iranian leader, even though the Jews are satanically inspired, they couldn’t have possibly succeeded on their own, no way.

After England’s initial help, the United States became the greatest supporter of this usurper regime, ceaselessly providing it with political, economic and military support. In an act of unforgivable recklessness, the United States even opened the way and provided assistance for the regime’s production of nuclear weapons.

The United States government and its allies refused to even frown upon this state terrorism and ongoing oppression. And today, some remarks by the US government regarding the horrific crimes taking place in Gaza are more hypocritical than real.

You know, little satan, big satan.

And now, because I guess he just couldn’t help himself, here it comes, the blatant antisemitism.

The global Zionist elite – who owns most US and European media corporations or influences them through funding and bribery – has labeled this courageous, humane resistance movement as ‘terrorism’.

But here’s the real scary part for all of us in the West.

The people’s conscience has awakened on a global scale, and the truth is coming to light.

Moreover, the Resistance Front has grown in strength and will become even stronger.

On that point, Khamenei is spot on.  The Iranian agents already planted amongst us are hiding in plain sight.

In early May, two Jordanian nationals, posing as delivery drivers, tried to breech the big Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia.  They were driving a box truck and tried to get past the guards.

One apparently entered the US illegally through San Diego in April, the other overstayed his student visa.

To many security experts, it sounded like a dry run for a terrorist attack.

Was there an Iranian connection?  We don’t know, but would you lay a bet against it?

Even before October 7th, the FBI warned that it’s clear the Iranians are determined to carry out attacks in the United States.  The bureau says it’s worried that Hezbollah has been building terrorist cells around the world and is concerned about attacks right here at home.

Now, after 10/7, Iran has thousands of new recruits it can tap into who’ve come out of the woodwork with their the anti-Israel demonstrations and disruptions.

Now Khamenei gets to choose from the cream of the US student crop.  It’s not that they agree with everything his fanatical state stands for, but they wholeheartedly agree to hate Israel and the Jewish people.  Bingo!

Khamenei even praises their professors.  He says, The support and solidarity of your professors is a significant and consequential development.  Years and years of seeding American universities with pro-radical Islam professors is now paying dividends for Iran, and we are paying the price.

Israel’s Mossad has also warned that Iran is using organized crime networks in Europe, with Israeli and Jewish targets in their crosshairs.

Just this past week, Sweden’s head of counterintelligence says Iran is using Swedish criminal gangs as proxies.

Today Israeli and Jewish targets.  Tomorrow European government targets, or the Paris Olympics.

Hey, I have to give the ayatollah credit.  He’s telling it like it is.  We ignore him at our own peril.

The oppressive leaders of global hegemony mercilessly distort even the most basic human concepts, Khamenei writes.  They portray the ruthless, terrorist Israeli regime as acting in self-defense ­– yet they portray the Palestinian Resistance which defends its freedom, security and the right to self-determination, as terrorists!

The oppressive leaders of global hegemony are our leaders here in the United States and the leaders of the western democracies.  Iran’s proxies are the students and outside agitators that are one with the terror pimps of Tehran.

If I may put words (and not my fist) in the ayatollah’s mouth, what he’s saying is, keep up the good work, all you imbeciles who’ve become my useful tools.  As he writes,  I too am among those who empathize with you young people, and value your perseverance.

The wars Israel is fighting right now on multiple fronts, are not just its wars.  They’re wars between western values and radical Islam.  And those wars have spread far beyond Tel Aviv, Gaza and Lebanon.

If Iran wins, not only Israel loses, we all lose.

If you don’t believe me, believe Iran’s supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei when he says, The Resistance Front…will attain victory with the permission of God.

All I can say is, God forbid.

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