Listen to: Shake ’em Up!

Did you feel the earthquake in California this past week?  I sure did and it gave me hope.  

It wasn’t your standard San Andreas Fault type quake.  But it was deep and it was powerful and its aftershocks will hopefully be felt around the nation.

The power of the voters shook the ground beneath every radical politician who is sworn to enforce the laws, not to selectively ignore those that don’t conform to their crackpot theories.

In LA, billionaire Rick Caruso, a converted Republican, pushed progressive Congresswoman Karen Bass into a runoff for Mayor.  I guess the voters are fed up with their progressive politicians who have allowed LA to sink into homeless hell.

In San Francisco, the earthquake swallowed up the leftist Democrat District Attorney Chesa Boudin (no, not Jethro Bowdine, I’m pretty sure he Uncle Jed and Granny were Second Amendment supporters). Boudin was swept into office a couple of years ago on the defund the police tsunami.  He eliminated cash bail and sent fewer people to jail.

San Francisco became a cesspool of crime, homelessness and drug abuse.

This past week, the voters told Boudin, take your made up anti-crime concoctions and shove ‘em.  They booted him in a recall election and it wasn’t even close. Sixty percent of the voters told Boudin to beat it.

The elections in Los Angeles and in San Francisco are, as Joe Biden once said about Obamacare, a big f-ing deal. 

Even The New York TImes, the newspaper that never met a progressive it didn’t like, said the “vote is set to reverberate through Democratic politics nationwide as the party fine-tunes its messaging on crime.”

Ok Democrats, fine tune this.  San Francisco isn’t a hotbed of MAGA maniacs.  Only seven percent of the voters there are Republican.  But the citizens in the center said enough! They had enough of half-baked, full of baloney left wing sloganeering on crime prevention.  They had enough of ideological idiocy on securing their safety. Voters stood up for their communities, their families, their lives.  That gives me hope.

You a-holes in Albany? Fine tune this message from a Spectrum News NY1/Siena College Poll that found 76 percent of New York City’s residents say they are either “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about being the victims of violent crime.  That poll also found that almost 80 percent want to either increase NYPD funding or keep it unchanged.  

You feckless fools just finished your legislative session with puny changes to the worst in the nation bail laws.  Laws that are sending criminals with rap sheets as long as the traffic backups on the Van Wyck Expressway, back out onto the streets to, guess what, commit more crimes.

You pathetic politicians, smugly ensconced in your safe one party districts, you know-nothings who’ve never patrolled a street, who’ve never run toward gunfire, hear this: keep cutting the crime fighting legs out from under Mayor Eric Adams and you will be staring at a Republican in the Governor’s mansion next January.

Adams said it loud and clear; our criminal justice system is a “laughingstock of our entire country.” The bad guys, the guys with guns, the guys with knives, the guys with evil in their bones, need to know that if they commit a crime, they will do the time.  Full stop.  They won’t be let back out onto our streets to rob us, shoot us, shit all over us.

Every “let ‘em loose” District Attorney should right now be looting stores of Depends (don’t worry, you’ll get away with it) because the centrist voters of this nation are starting to take back their communities. Are you listening Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg?

In California, it was the voters in the communities of color that rejected the knucklehead policies of defunding and decarceration. 

It’s in the communities of color where young women and men are dying from illegal guns.  The hardworking, honest people in those communities are petrified to walk to the subway or even to step out to the grocery store.  

They’re being victimized by the criminals who break the law, who rob, steal and kill, and who are churned back out onto the streets to plague us.

The fault line of fed up voters is spreading, across the continent.  New York Democrats had better duck and cover or the tough-talking, Trump-loving Republican Lee Zeldin will be the next governor of the Empire State.

I think Eric Adams may be secretly hoping for that.  Maybe we should all be.  Because so far, what he’s gotten out of his so-called Democrat partners is pathetic.

New York voters listen up!  Copy your California compadres and shake up upstate in November.


5 thoughts on “Shake ’em Up!”

  1. Michael Schulder

    DAs in NYS are elected, how can the governor fire him?

    On the media side: WaPo firing of Felicia Sonmez also suggests the zeitgeist is improving. Maybe they got the message from California.

  2. Unlike California that allows recall of elected officials, NY indeed allows the governor to fire a non performing official. Check it out.

  3. Excellent article. I totally agree with you and salute the citizens of San Francisco on their courage. Alvin Bragg beware if New York citizens rise to the challenge. We can only hope.

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