Be honest, who doesn’t like a really good circus, with hire wire acts, highly trained animals and clowns.  Especially the clowns.

I love most clowns. They make me laugh with their outrageous antics.  But there are three clowns that make me angry with their outrageous antics.

New York was the clown capital of the United States of America in the past few weeks.  There was plenty of buffoonery but the circus stunts we saw weren’t comical, they were political.

First to make his entrance under the big top was Manhattan Democrat Clown District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

He was soon followed in the center ring by Ohio Republican Clown Congressman Jim Jordan.

And in the backseat of the clown car, Long Island Republican Clown Congressman George Santos.

First-term clown Santos announced this past week that he is running for re-election in New York’s 3rd congressional district.  Never mind that he is a total fraud and an admitted liar.  OK, so he hoodwinked the voters is his district and he sucks as a congressman, but you must admit, he is an amazing clown.  However, being very low in the congressional clown pecking order, he’s the kind of clown that sweeps up at the end of the trained dog act.  He surely won’t be missed when his circus leaves town.

Far more formidable clowns are the aforementioned Jim Jordan and Alvin Bragg.

I’ll say it flat out. The Bragg indictment of former President Donald J. Trump was a political move by a Democrat D.A. to help Trump win the Republican nomination for president.  It’s as plain as the huge shoes on a clown’s feet.  The Democrats and Joe Biden believe their best shot at holding onto the White House is if Donald J. Trump wins the GOP nomination.  They know, in presidential primaries, the fringe voters of both parties are the most motivated to turn out and Trump certainly has plenty of the fringe.  They also know that in a crowded GOP field of candidates, the MAGA core could put Trump back on a path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  

Even many Democrats are having a hard time explaining the Bragg indictment of Donald J. Trump, six years after the Stormy Daniels payoff.  Let me put it in simple terms even a clown could understand.  If you’re going to indict a former president, you’d better make damn sure the people will clearly understand the alleged crime and why it was so damn important to indict him.  Twisting the law into a pretzel by making a misdemeanor into a felony and applying state law to a federal offense ain’t gonna cut it.

Because of Bragg and his circus stunt indicting former President Donald J. Trump on criminal charges no one understands, we got Jim Jordan, who has never missed an opportunity to suck up to Trumpelstilskin, even if it involves spending loads of taxpayer money and taking the House Judiciary Committee, which he chairs, up the interstate to NYC.

So Bragg begets Jordan and JJ dons his clown clothes and brings his act to the Big Apple, ostensibly to cast a spotlight on New York’s crime crisis.  Yeah, right.

He exploits sincere victims of crime and their pain as players in his farce.  Shame on him.  It is as plain as the bulbous red nose on a clown’s face that Jim Jordan’s sham hearings were to support Donald J. Trump and to degrade Alvin Bragg.

If you think Donald J. Trump’s power on Capitol Hill has waned, the Jordan hearings are proof positive it has not.  House Republicans have shown they will go to great lengths to defend and support him.

Jordan and Bragg are the sideshows, however.  The main event is still the 2024 presidential election and interestingly, curiously, diabolically, Jordan and Bragg are of like mind.  They both want Donald J. Trump to be the Republican nominee, albeit for wildly different reasons.

The blatant, partisan, rancor-filled politics that have played out in the last few weeks in New York City is a disgrace and an insult to the citizens of this nation.  

The ringmasters of this sad circus of American politics do not have our best interests in mind.  They are bad clowns, scary clowns and no one should be laughing.

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