Even if you bleed Democrat blue from every vein in your body, you can’t possibly, truly, honestly believe Joe Biden is all there, mentally.  You can’t possibly, truly, honestly believe he is capable of carrying out the duties of President of the United States till age 86, when his second term would end.

If you’ve been deluding yourself that maybe, wistfully, hopefully he still had enough mental acuity to carry out the most important job in the world, that pipe dream had to evaporate after his trip to Vietnam and to the G20 Summit in India that just concluded.

Who knows how sharp he was in his private, closed-door meetings with the 19 other world leaders that gathered in New Delhi?  But Biden’s post summit disaster of a news conference, was out in the open.

It was scary and it was sad.

The President was supposed to take five questions from reporters in another attempt by his media handlers to shield him from making a fool of himself.  But then he lingered on stage, answering a couple more.  When one of his answers became so unintelligible, his press secretary actually interrupted him and stopped the press conference.  She interrupted the President of the United States of America mid-blabber, in front of a room filled with reporters from around the world, and ended the press conference.  How embarrassing.

The guy is clearly mentally shot, and I’m not the only one who thinks so.

A new CNN poll says about 75 percent of Americans are concerned about his age and his mental competence, if he were to be reelected to another four-year term.

It’s really very obvious.  When he speaks, he slurs his words.  When he walks, his gait is halting.  Heck, he barely bends his knees.  When he brings world leaders into the oval office, he falls sleeps.

As president, Joe Biden has served his purpose.  He defeated Donald Trump.  Yes, he really did.  He prevented that singular danger to American democracy from winning a second, unbridled and unhinged term in office.

Legislatively, he got the bipartisan infrastructure deal done.  It includes $284 billion for transportation, bridge and roadway repair, public transit, airports and broadband.

He signed into law the largest gun safety bill to pass Congress in nearly three decades.

He got the CHIPS Act passed, allocating more than $50 billion federal dollars to help build semiconductor chips in the US, instead of relying on China.

Joe Biden is in a perfect place now for a graceful exit, stage left.  He can tout his achievements and then, as he told the reporters in India, go to bed.

President Biden could gracefully leave the scene and leave a legacy of achievement.

He should, he could, but he won’t.

Joe Biden has spent a lifetime trying to become president.  He ran four times. He so badly wanted the job he latched on to Barack Obama, doing anything he could to get his foot inside the oval office door.

And then he got a huge break. If it wasn’t for COVID and the crazy man in living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Biden may not have been elected in 2020.  But he was, and the notion of him giving up the throne now?  No.  No way.  Read my lips, not gonna happen.  Even if he is being carted around the family quarters in a wheelchair by Jill, Hunter, or Nancy Pelosi, he won’t leave.

Well, there is one way.

The non-Fox media has to tell him his time is up.

So far, CNN, MSNBC, the New York TImes, the Washington Post, et al, haven’t totally ignored doddering, tottering Joe, but they certainly haven’t made his mental decline a cause celebre.

They are being disingenuous by not making Biden’s age and cognitive disability a main topic of conversation.  I’ll go so far as to say they are doing a disservice to the nation.

I know the non-Foxers are petrified of a second Trump presidency, so they don’t want to spotlight Biden’s senility.  But the American people aren’t stupid and they know what they see.  It’s one thing to be old.  It’s another thing to be old and mentally confused. It’s yet another thing to be old, mentally confused and President of the United States.

The media, by just sitting by and watching Biden bottom out, are making a profound mistake.

How in the name of Woodrow Wilson will Joe Biden be able to get on a debate stage with an overheated and vengeful Donald Trump?

Joe Biden’s decline will then be uncloaked in prime time, with tens of millions of voters watching.  And what will the non-Fox media say at that point?  How will they deal with his mental decline then?

Here’s what has to happen, now.

The non-Fox media, the newspaper editorialists, the prime time opinionated cable tv hosts, need to tell the truth, to say what is as plain as the makeup on their faces.  Joseph Robinette Biden is incapable of being president for four more years.  They need to get that ball rolling immediately, before the primaries and before the filing deadlines.

Biden won’t be able to ignore the nightly, incessant calls for his retirement.  Democrat politicians will get on the bandwagon when they have the liberal media covering their asses.

They’d better tell Biden now and make it crystal clear, that it’s time for him to pass the baton to a younger, more vigorous candidate that can stave off Donald Trump.

They’d better say to him, sir, Joe, you did your job and now it’s okay to go home to hang Hunter’s paintings and polish your Corvette.

Mr. President, your dream came true and you made it to the White House. The nation thanks you for sending Trump back to Mar-a-Lago with his boxes filled with golf shirts, pants and highly classified documents.

But now, Mr. President, it’s time.  It’s time for you to shuffle on home to your beloved Delaware.  You need to watch your step, but you can do it.  You must do it, for your party, for your nation, for yourself.

1 thought on “Joe, It’s Time”

  1. Times seem very bleak for us. However, I just read online something that gave me pause for thought and hope which I would like to share with you and your subscribers. Richard Goodwin speechwriter to Presidents and aide to JFK and LBJ and husband of historian Doris Kearns Goodwin told her often (which she recounts in a new book about them to be released April 16th) that the end of our country loomed many times before but America is not as fragile as it seems. So let’s hope we can overcome the political discord in our country and mounting trouble abroad and get back on track.

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