Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel.

Those are the words, spoken on the floor of the US Senate this past Thursday by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish elected office-holder in the United States.

Schumer also said, that if the present Israeli government remains in power, then the United States will have no choice but to play a more active role in shaping Israeli policy by using our leverage to change the present course.

He actually threatened to leverage aid to Israel as a way to force a change in the Israeli government.

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Chuck Schumer, says his name derives from the Hebrew word shomer, the guardian of the Jewish people. But what he did on Thursday was call for a coup d’etat in Israel, the close ally of the United States and the only democracy in a region rife with dictatorships, monarchies and terrorist states.

Israel, a nation in the midst of a just war after its sovereign territory was invaded and 1200 of its citizens were slaughtered, raped, and burned alive, was told by Chuck Schumer that its government is the obstacle to a cease-fire.  Not the Hamas savages hiding behind the hostages they ruthlessly abducted and the civilian population they calculatingly left exposed to face the Israeli onslaught.


Bibi Netanyahu is the problem, not the terrorists, not their leaders like Yahya Sinwar, hiding like a rat in a tunnel in Gaza, or Ismael Haniyeh, living in luxury like a terrorist king in Qatar.

Even Schumer’s boss, Joe Biden, didn’t go as far as the senator did.  In an MSNBC interview, Biden was a little more restrained, saying Netanyahu was doing more harm than good to Israel and its interests.

But Biden has also swallowed the Hamas narrative on the wholly unsubstantiated and unverified number of deaths in Gaza since the start of the war.  Gotta get those votes in Michigan, don’t you Joe?

But let’s not kid ourselves.  Schumer didn’t deliver a major speech on the floor of the US Senate without it being cleared ahead of time by the White House.  Biden’s good at sending out proxies to put the squeeze on Israel, or whispering a seemingly offhanded jab on a hot mic, so he can maintain his self-proclaimed Zionist cred.

Schumer’s speech has reverberated around the world.  The US is now like the European Union and the other fair weather friends of Israel, who love partaking of Israeli technology and intelligence sharing, but abandon Israel when their Arab populations get restless, threatening their political ambitions.

The nations seeking closer ties with the US, like Saudi Arabia, must realize that if the men at the top of the US government can treat democratic Israel as a vassal state, what does that portend for their autocratic regimes?

The message Hamas got from Schumer’s speech is that it was right all along, that eventually the US would back away from Israel. It just has to hold out a little longer, it just has to keep those hostages close in their underground prisons for a little more time, and it will emerge as the winner, the one that vanquished the illegitimate Zionist regime.  Hey, Schumer also says the Israeli government is illegitimate, so what’s the diff?

Yes Senator, that is the fallout from your speech.  Thank you so much for being our shomer.

Schumer and Biden, unwittingly or perhaps wittingly, have handed Sinwar and Haniyeh their roadmap to victory.

They’ve joined the New York Times’ Tom Friedman and the left-wing of the Democrat party in their BDS, their Bibi Derangement Syndrome, blaming Netanyahu for prolonging the war, not the genocidal terrorists who could instantaneously end the suffering in Gaza by surrendering and releasing the hostages.

Look, Bibi Netanyahu is no saint.  As I’ve written in other blogs, he’s a ruthless, power-hungry politician who leads a government cobbled together with some members who are indeed odorous.  But Schumer and Biden don’t have to look too far to find their own, foul-smelling political colleagues, people named Tlaib, Omar, and Bush.  Schumer’s speech also gave all those anti-Israel Democrats more space to bash Israel.  It also immunized Schumer from any possible primary challenge from AOC.  Lots of politics being played out at the expense of Israel.

Schumer’s call for Netanyahu’s overthrow gives succor to the murderers of 10/7.  It emboldens the terror pimps of Tehran to further export their radical Muslim proxies not only to destroy Israel, but also to kill the infidels of the western democracies.

The spooks of the CIA used to try to overthrow governments in secret as they did in Iran with Mossadegh in 1953 and in Vietnam Nam with Diem in 1960.  The Senate majority leader did it out in the open with Netanyahu in 2024.

Messrs. Biden and Schumer, if the citizens of Israel want a change in government, they will press for new elections on their own, thank you very much.  It’s not up to you or anyone sitting in the safety of a country that’s not under attack on five fronts, to decide who will govern.

The horrors of 10/7 are still raw and traumatizing for the Israeli populace. Tens of thousands of Israelis are displaced and cannot return to their homes in the south near Gaza, and in the north, where an all-out war with Hezbollah is drawing nearer.

There will be a time and a place for a full reckoning of what went so terribly wrong on 10/7 and who is to blame but right now, Israelis overwhelmingly want the terrorists annihilated, not accommodated.  They see Palestinians cheering and supporting the murderers and kidnappers, not clamoring for two states as the Biden administration sees it in its dream state.

This past week, there were two men who played off their Jewishness in public, and stabbed Israel in the back.  They were Chuck Schumer and the Zone of Interest film director Jonathan Glazer, whose Oscar acceptance speech was a defilement of the memory of every victim of the Holocaust.

After Glazer’s screed I said out loud, who asked you?  After Schumer’s speech I cried, how dare you?


2 thoughts on “How Dare You?”

  1. Hillel Hammerman

    “Schumergate,” and the commentary that follows it here, and in the media has again made the needle on US 2024 elections choices move for me. Schumer has long had trouble shutting his mouth and leaving the camera. Even Biden, through Kirby is today walking Schumer’s pandering back from kissing ass of the Left and Radical Progressives, when maybe just kissing the cheek is enough to win the election.
    It seems to come down to true statesmanship vs politics. That is, responsibly speaking the truth, justice, and ideals to influence how people see the issue vs. accommodating those who are at best uninformed or misinformed, and at worst ingrained Jew-haters. Despite the politics in the US and Israel, my confidence is that Israel’s society will do what they need to succeed. With survival on the line, they have no other choice.

  2. Hillel Hammerman

    Also note: In the picture of Schumer, he is wearing a lapel pin of dual flags, US and Ukraine. Perhaps he thought it matched his blue suit and yellow tie. Of course we don’t know when and what the circumstances were of that picture. Nevertheless, he is long-winded, long in the tooth, and short in the mind. Ask me how I really feel about his latest diarrhea of the mouth

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