Enough of the lying politicians, the incompetent news media and the classified documents in President Biden’s garage next to his Plymouth Duster, uh sorry, his Corvette. 

Let’s get into what really annoys us, meaning what really annoys me.  

Topping my peeved-off list is Prince Harry, primarily because this past week he’s been trying so hard to force us to believe he’s so special. 

Harry is all over us like flies over you know what and I’m not wild about it.  60 Minutes, Good Morning America, Colbert.  We’re playing right into his dis-royal and disloyal hands.  Even the name of his family-trashing book, Spare, is wrong.   Unlike a spare tire that sits in your trunk and is sometimes useful,  this guy is pretty much useless.

Has he ever worked a day in his life?  Has he ever held a real job? 

Has he cured cancer?  That would have meant that he had a real job.

Does he hate his family?  Yes, but is that so unusual?  

His only claim to fame was to have Diana as his mother.  I have only a teaspoon of sympathy for him and that’s because Charles is his father and Camilla is his, whatever.

Bugger off Harry, you’re nothing but a self-aggrandizing spoiled royal and a pain in my crown jewels.

I’m totally over Harry but the second thing that has me fed up, is people who just don’t listen. 

I’m sure you’ve been on line at airport security while the TSA agents are bleating out their instructions to throw away all water bottles before you reach the conveyor belt.  But there’s always one person who has buried their Poland Spring, or probably their Kirkland Spring Water, way down in their Lululemon tote bag.  And him/her/they have to remove every piece of athletic wear, Coach wallet and Adidas flip flops to get it.  

You know what I’m talking about.  Doesn’t that just drive you nuts?

All they had to do was to pay a particle of attention and that line would have kept on moving.  But no, they were shocked and dismayed they had to trash their precious H2O.  

Oh, and let’s not forget the folks who go through the metal detectors with their keys, so many keys, enough keys to open every lock on, say, Staten Island.  And surprise, surprise, the machine flashes red and they have to go back, put those keys in a tray and send them through on the belt.  The rest of us have to stand there in our socks, picking up every piece of detritus left by the ten thousand passengers that preceded us.

Maybe being totally oblivious is a good thing.  If I could be like that, then  this stuff wouldn’t bother me as much as it does.

Remember the Seinfeld episode with George and the calzone tip jar?  Just as George dropped a dollar into the jar at the pizzeria, the guy behind the counter looked away, so he really didn’t know George left him a tip.  George got no credit for the tip!

Well, what’s happening now is so much worse!  Buy a cup of coffee, a slice of pizza, a loaf of bread and when you pay, the screen asks you how much you want to tip.  15 percent?  20 percent?  25 percent?  

When I’m served at a restaurant of course I’m going to tip the waiter or waitress.  They’ve taken my order, served my food, refilled my water glass and cleared the table.  I’ve sat there for more than an hour and they’ve taken care of me.

But someone who grabbed a paper cup, went to the urn and came back with my coffee, someone who plucked a marble rye from the shelf and put it in a bag, someone that gave me an eighth of a whole pizza on a paper plate, really?  

But, there’s so much shame involved in this new tipping protocol. George Costanza’s only way to get “credit” for his tip was by getting the calzone guy’s attention. Now your tipping behavior is swung around on that tablet like someone flinging a freakin’ frisbee, for everyone to see.  

It’s tipping bullying I tell you and I will not succumb!  If I give in

then who knows what will come next?  I might have to brew my $5.00 house drip myself!  And that would really burn me up. 

What drives you crazy?  Feel free to vent in the comments section.  Make  the rest of us aware of those annoyances that make our lives so unbearable. 

2 thoughts on “Driving Me Nuts!”

  1. Great post. I agree with you on everything especially Prince Harry. And he said that he shortened his book by 400 pages. Imagine if he released an 800 page book! I loved the caricature of him. Spot on! Everything seems to be annoying nowadays. Like people getting ahead of you on line, food prices thru the roof and even your doctor giving you a lecture about getting a colonoscopy and declaring it’s not about the money which was never even mentioned! By the way, I was never late in getting these tests done. Also small restaurants opened for many many years closing because of fewer and fewer customers but bombarded by customers at the end. Where were these people when the restaurant was struggling? I could go on.

  2. Hillel Hammerman

    Great and a deserved screed about Harry, airport hassles, and the tipping abuse scandal (tip-gate?).
    True none of this would be relatable if we lived less privileged lives, as does much of the world’s population.
    You and Brett Stephens have such a way with ideas and words. Trust you, Bari Weiss, Jonathan Tobin, etc. continue from strength to strength.

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