Republicans, wake up!  Yeah, I’m talking to you!

Did you watch that frightening town hall meeting on CNN this past Wednesday?

You are staring into the abyss if you nominate Donald J. Trump for President of the United States in 2024. 

That town hall was filthy with election denials, misogyny and bigotry.  It was a parade of prevarication, falsehoods and dishonesty. 

Trump is irredeemable.  Trump is disgusting.  Trump is dangerous.

Trump actually called the January 6 assault on the Capitol of the United States of America, “a beautiful day.”  He said of the rioters, “they were there with love in their heart.”  He said he is “inclined to pardon many of them.”

Pardon the ones that smeared feces around the Capitol?  The ones that were convicted of seditious conspiracy?  The one who used a stolen riot shield to crush a police officer in a Capitol doorway?  Are they the ones that Trump is “inclined to pardon”?

He called a Black police officer who was defending the Capitol, a thug. 

Republicans, is this the man you want to be your nominee?

Or is it the man who continued to disparage a victim of sexual abuse?  His victim.  Calling her a “whack job”.  Saying her account of what he did to her in that Bergdorf Goodman dressing room was “fake” and a “made-up story” after a nine person Federal jury said he did it.  

Republicans, do you think you can win back the White House without the support of moderates and independents, especially suburban women?  Do you think Trump endeared himself to those voters when he made a mockery of sexual assault, saying women like it when men of power and celebrity use them for groping and worse?  Trump said, “People that are rich, people that are powerful, they tend to do pretty well in a lot of different ways.”

The words that spewed from Donald J. Trump’s mouth during that town hall event made me sick.  They should make everyone sick.

And please don’t give me the “what-abouts”.   Like, what about Joe and Hunter Biden and the gobs of foreign money that has apparently been doled out to Biden family members?  What about Joe Biden’s non-existent southern border policy that has plunged our cities into a state of emergency?  What about Joe Biden’s obvious senility? 

There will be plenty to discuss about the current President.  But Republicans, right now, you are on notice.  If Donald Trump is your nominee, not only will he lose, he will doom the Republican Party.

I gotta tell you, if the audience at that town hall is any indication, you may already be finished.

They laughed and applauded when he further defamed E. Jean Carroll, the woman he sexually abused.  How disgusting.

You know who else is on notice?  The Evangelical Christians and the conservative constituents of all religions that sing his praises.  How can you square your morality with the gutter morality of Donald Trump?  Do you so blindly worship at the alter of any means to an end, that you will ignore his depravity?  If you do, then you are as corrupt as he.

Donald J. Trump is not going to disappear, he’s not going to leave the race.  He’s leading the race.  He will continue to be aided and abetted by the deplorables in the GOP, the cheerleading Congressmen and sychophantic Senators who make excuses for him and his bilious behavior.  Those same elected officials who ridicule our courts, judges and juries.  Who don’t believe citizens of good character can sit in judgment, listen to the evidence presented by both sides, and render just verdicts. 

If all his lies, insults and obfuscation during that town hall didn’t scare you, if his refusal to support Ukraine in its war against Putin didn’t terrify you, there’s one last thing that should.  

Donald Trump openly supported the possibility of the United States defaulting on its debt.  If you are concerned about nothing else he uttered, if you think the American judicial system is corrupt, if you believe the 2020 election was rigged, if you believe woman exist to be abused, you should at least be panicked by what he said about the nation’s debt.  

Defaulting will cause severe damage to our economy. Interest rates will skyrocket, including mortgages and credit cards.  World financial markets will roil. The full faith and credit of the United States of America will be forever degraded.

When he was president, Trump didn’t hold the debt ceiling hostage to spending cuts.  But at the town hall, he flippantly reversed himself because he said he’s no longer president.  That’s not the thought process of an intelligent, rational leader.  It’s childish stupidity that carries enormous, worldwide consequences.

In Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare wrote, “Danger knows full well that Caesar is more dangerous than he.”  In other words Caesar is more dangerous than danger itself.

Just swap out Caesar and insert Trump. 

Republicans, I beseech you.  Cut out the Trump cancer with your most powerful tool, your votes, for the sake of the nation and of the world. 

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