

News You Can Lose

Being an advocate is not only accepted in some newsrooms, it is precisely why some journalists have been hired.  
That needs to stop.

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Are We Blind?

What happened last week in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is as bad as what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 when the neo-Nazis, the KKK and other white supremacists marched through the University of Virginia campus chanting “Jews will not replace us.”  

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National Politics

Driving Me Nuts!

Maybe being totally oblivious is a good thing.  Then people like Prince Harry wouldn’t drive me nuts!

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Local Politics

The Santos Fiasco

I hope the news leaders in New York realize they got beat bad, real bad. They are actually complicit in allowing a pathological liar to get elected to Congress right under their noses.  They dropped the ball, bigly.  

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News Messiah

It’s about time for friendwithoutbenefits.com to interrupt my regular programming to reveal my news wish for the New Year.  

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NY’s “Giants”

In the midst of this holiday season, there are three “giants” who’ve stomped their way into http://Friendwithoutbenefits.com.

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NY’s Nazi Rats

Like rats, antisemites are now out in the open.  They’re not living solely in sewers.  They’re brazen, defiant, daring us to do something about them. And we must.

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