
foreign affairs


The huge rally for Israel in Washington, DC this past Tuesday, checked all the boxes. Jews from all over the

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foreign affairs

That Other BDS

Let’s talk about BDS.  No, not the movement that singles out Israel as the only nation on Earth despicable enough

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foreign affairs

Hey Joe Biden, MYOB!

Maybe Joe Biden, who I was told by one high-ranking Israeli official, supports Israel from his kishkas, should listen to his gut and mind his own business.  

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Fade to Black

In the words of a famous TV star, “Ruh-roh.” My media friends, the tribe has spoken and it’s time to go.

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News You Can Lose

Being an advocate is not only accepted in some newsrooms, it is precisely why some journalists have been hired.  
That needs to stop.

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News Messiah

It’s about time for to interrupt my regular programming to reveal my news wish for the New Year.  

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