
foreign affairs

How Dare You? Part II.

After the stunt Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer pulled last week, threatening to withhold US support if Israeli Prime Minister

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In the immortal words of Al Pacino as Don Corleone in Godfather 3, Just when I thought I was out,

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foreign affairs


The huge rally for Israel in Washington, DC this past Tuesday, checked all the boxes. Jews from all over the

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foreign affairs

Truth Triumphant

For many years, speaking the plain, unvarnished truth about Israel and its enemies, has eluded many western leaders, including the

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foreign affairs

Hey Joe Biden, MYOB!

Maybe Joe Biden, who I was told by one high-ranking Israeli official, supports Israel from his kishkas, should listen to his gut and mind his own business.  

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City University

High-Fiving Haters

The Biden administration just released a 60 page strategy for combatting anti-Semitism.  It’s something no other administration has ever done.  That should clear up once and for all, any ambiguity around what constitutes hatred of Jews.  Right?  Wrong.

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foreign affairs

Soul Searching

I had to go to Israel on the 75th anniversary of its independence, to search for Israel’s essence, its soul.

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Are We Blind?

What happened last week in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is as bad as what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 when the neo-Nazis, the KKK and other white supremacists marched through the University of Virginia campus chanting “Jews will not replace us.”  

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