foreign affairs

foreign affairs

Dream On

If you’re like me and the thought of another presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump gives you urges for self-immolation, then come along on a trip to fantasy land and let’s dream for a few minutes.

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foreign affairs

Animal Instincts

You don’t have to go on safari to witness American political animals in their natural habitat.  And let me tell you, it isn’t uplifting and inspiring.  It isn’t pure.  It is sordid.  

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foreign affairs

Hey Joe Biden, MYOB!

Maybe Joe Biden, who I was told by one high-ranking Israeli official, supports Israel from his kishkas, should listen to his gut and mind his own business.  

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City University

High-Fiving Haters

The Biden administration just released a 60 page strategy for combatting anti-Semitism.  It’s something no other administration has ever done.  That should clear up once and for all, any ambiguity around what constitutes hatred of Jews.  Right?  Wrong.

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foreign affairs

Soul Searching

I had to go to Israel on the 75th anniversary of its independence, to search for Israel’s essence, its soul.

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