I just got back from the bush, from a safari to Tanzania.  I went to see the annual migration of the wildebeest across the Mara River into Kenya.  It was a bucket list thing.  

I witnessed wild animals of different species, working with each other for survival. 

Did you know that zebras have great eyesight and wildebeests have a great sense of smell?  So the two combine their strengths to keep each other safe.

Did you know that giraffes don’t gorge on an entire tree?  Some trees that are being gobbled up emit a poison.  So the giraffes nibble one tree then go to the next, to stay safe.

And elephants.  Those behemoths eat tons of leaves and trees, but they poop out seeds that eventually take root and turn into new leaves and trees.  Old food goes in, eventual new food comes out.  Nature at its purest.

There is something amazingly uplifting and inspiring being in the bush.  The animals’ pure instincts never leave them.  Zebras don’t change their minds about protecting the wildebeests.   Giraffes know if they are gluttons, they will die.

Watching the rhinos, elephants and zebras in their natural habitat, got me thinking about RINOs, elephants and donkeys in the USA.  About Democrats, Republicans and the current state of American politics.

You don’t have to go on safari to witness American political animals in their natural habitat.  And let me tell you, it isn’t uplifting and inspiring.  It isn’t pure.  It is sordid.  

American politicians live in a world of lies and of greed.  They say one thing one day and another thing the next. Their main instinct is for survival at all costs, truth be damned. 

This past week we saw a former President of the United States indicted, arrested and booked, because he was too small a man to admit that he lost the 2020 election.  He surrounded himself with a coterie of demented enablers, feeding him the lines for his lies.  He concocted insane reasons why he lost and he tried to involve others in his plot to steal the presidency.

Luckily for this nation, the people he tried to suck into his delusions had noble instincts.  They smelled danger and their fear of the predator was trumped by their instinct to do the right thing, the lawful thing.

On the other side of the fence, is the pack of Democrats led by Joe Biden. He told us during the 2020 campaign, and has insisted to this very moment, that he didn’t know what his son Hunter was up to and who he was doing business with. 

But this past week we learned beyond a reasonable doubt, that Joe Biden’s instinct for political survival includes lying to the American people. He lied that he knew nothing about his son’s shady business deals with bad foreign actors.

When confronted with potential dangers that threatened his political survival, Joe Biden roared with indignation.  It’s malarkey, it’s made up stuff, there’s no proof.  Well, now there is.  

Hunter’s business partner, Devon Archer, has produced a letter he got from papa Joe thanking him for teaming up in business with Hunter.  But Joe didn’t know nuthin’???

Hunter Biden was paid millions of dollars by foreign companies not because he’s a genius.  It was because his last name is Biden.

Did “the big guy” profit bigly from Hunter’s deals?  I don’t know yet.  But to maintain that he didn’t know what his son was up to smells to me like a huge mound of elephant poop. 

Which Democrats have the courage to break away from the herd and call out Joe Biden to fess up, to tell the whole truth about Hunter Biden?

Hey Dems, you can’t stake out the moral high ground on Trump if you act like ostriches about Hunter.

Jackals, all.

Donald Trump talks a lot about RINOs, Republicans in name only.  He says they’re Republicans that have done him wrong or who don’t support him.  

But the real RINOs are the Republicans that do support Trump.  Guys like Senator Lindsay Graham and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. 

Or how about Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley and Tim Scott, who have their noses in the air sniffing the scent of the presidency, but whose instinct is to dig a hole and hide when asked about Trump.  They are the RINOs, not Senator Mitt Romney or former Congresswoman Liz Cheney and lately candidate Chris Christie, that tell the American people that Donald Trump is a liar, a scammer and a danger. 

The American people want true leaders of the pack and not hyenas, waiting for someone else to make the kill and then feed off the carcass.  

On the vast Serengeti, the wildebeests use their instincts to dash across the Mara River, if their species is to survive. Right now, on the Potomac River in Washington, DC, our beastly politicians need to overcome their instincts, if our democracy is to survive.

1 thought on “Animal Instincts”

  1. Hillel Hammerman

    Brilliant ideas,, imagery, and writing.
    Perhaps if it gets repeated enough with short catchy phrasing, it will affect the populace’s thinking and actions.

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