Listen to: “A Big Lie”

You’ve seen the signs around town, “Hate Has No Home Here.”  But it’s a big lie.  Ok, maybe not a big lie but definitely wishful thinking.

Hate is right at home in New York City.

It’s so easy to be hated here.  All you have to do is to just look different. Wear a kipa and you’re hated.  Wear a turban and you’re hated.  Recognizable as an Asian? You’re hated.

Here’s some news that will blow your mind.  

New York City has had more hate crimes against Asian Americans over the past two years than any other US city.  Women and men beat up, spit at, pushed in front of speeding subway trains and killed.

Reported hate crimes against Jewish people?  They’re up 275% year over year.  That’s reported hate crimes.  

(I’m not insensitive to other groups who are hate targets because of their appearance or behavior.  I just was so shocked by the official statistics about Jew and Asian hatred.)

Don’t tell Mr. Nirmal Singh that hate has no home here, he’s experienced hate firsthand. 

Nirmal Singh is a 70-year old Sikh gentleman from India.  He’s lovingly called Babu Ji by his family and friends.  A first time visitor to our marvelous city.  He was staying at the Sikh Cultural Society in the Richmond Hill Section of Queens.  One early morning this past week, Mr. Singh went out for a stroll and some a-hole came up behind him and punched Mr. Singh so hard he broke his nose. Didn’t say anything, just punched him and busted his nose.  

During the attack, Mr. Singh said he just closed his eyes and started to cry.  His blue turban and his white beard were stained red, stained with his own blood.

Yeah, he looked different, worthy of an attack.

Or how about the young man in Williamsburg, Brooklyn walking back from synagogue a couple of Friday nights ago?  He absolutely looked the part.  Long black coat, black hat, a beard and side locks.  Had to be attacked.  When six teenagers passed him on the street they had no choice but to punch and kick him.  After all, he was asking for it.  He looked so different.

Or how about the six Jewish kids last week, who were wearing their kipot, their yarmulkas , and were threatened by three young teens wielding a sword, a crowbar and a knife.  They chased the Jewish kids along West End Avenue and West 86th Street in Manhattan.  They said they were after the kids because they’re Jewish.  Did I say one of them had a sword?  Oh yeah, I did.  Thankfully the kids ducked into an apartment building and escaped unharmed. 

Those Jewish kids looked different too, but not that different.  This incident was on the Upper West Side, not in Williamsburg.

Maybe someone can explain it to me because I just don’t get it. Where has society gone so wrong?  Just because you look different walking down a street in New York City in the year 2022 you’re available to being beaten up or worse?

In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy said to her dog Toto, “I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”  I have a feeling we’re not in anyplace sane anymore. 

Are we in Paris where Jewish men wear baseball caps in public to hide their kipot lest they be attacked?  Or maybe we’re in India where the Sikh minority has been persecuted for decades. 

Why are young people so filled with venom?  Where are they learning to hate so much?  What do we need more of to make this cancer go away?  Education? Punishment? A combination? 

I don’t think this is a scourge that legislation or a mayoral proclamation can solve. I don’t know, I just don’t know.

Here’s what I do know.  We cannot, we must not, normalize hatred.  We cannot, we must not be blasé about it.  Just another guy wearing funny clothes being pushed to the ground and pummeled in one of the outer boroughs?  Yeah, happens all the time, no big deal.  Teenagers roaming the streets looking for victims because of their appearance?  Hey, boys will be boys, they have to blow off a little steam now and then.  No, no, no, a thousand times no.

Right now the haters seem to be real comfortable here. They’re prowling the streets looking for their next victim. That innocent person who just doesn’t look like them.  It’s as plain as the broken nose on Babu Ji’s bloodied face. 

Hate has no home here?  Oh yes it does!  

10 thoughts on “A Big Lie”

  1. Sad. Very sad.
    In NYC, how are the general and hate crime stats compared to 10 years ago. Compared to the 50 years ago? Are hate crimes trending lower over time, with a recent blip? Or reaching new heights?
    All crime is awful. Hate crimes are worse. But hate crime has always been a problem. Have the hate crime numbers actually gotten worse? Have our efforts to be race, color and gender blind helped bring these hate crimes down?

  2. Michael Schulder

    You want to classify everyone by ethnicity, religion, “race” (whatever that is), and relentlessly badger everyone with this all the time? This in part is the result. We need political leaders from the right and the left to tell their extreme members to just shut the f* up and restore some sanity to civil society. Do we have the energy to stand up to the AOCs and the MTGs? If not don’t look for things to get better soon. Or ever.

  3. Don’t blame the signs. The most effective way to resist hate is for individuals to draw a line in the sand and declare that it will not be tolerated. The posting of these signs is one small step towards a society that collectively and actively resists the manifestations of hate on which you reported.

      1. I proudly displayed one of the signs when I lived in CT and had a front yard. Now I live in NC, and I periodically encounter confederate battle flags flying when I drive through the countryside. It sickens me every time I see it; a divisive emblem of terror and hate. Symbols matter, and that’s why I like the signs.

  4. Caren Hammerman

    A memorable song from “South Pacific” said it right: “You have to be taught to hate and fear. It has to be drummed in your dear little ear…” The question is how to teach tolerance.

  5. When people don’t see the leaders of their party denounce the anti Israel/zionism hatred spewed out by the squad, they take it as signal that its ok to perpetrate hate crimes. When did Schumer (the shomer?)denounce them?Let’s hope we clean house in the mid terms.

  6. Hillel Hammerman

    Exactly on target.
    Additionally, a crime inflicted on anyone is a crime. That is why we have laws.
    Education is fine, but is not the answer because even the uneducated know the crimes they commit are wrong. That is why they furtively attack the weak (except for the complete idiots who boast of their malfeasance on social media).
    One needs to enforce the laws, and not just slap criminals of the hand.
    Police costumed like a likely victim should shoot to kill the first bastards who try to attack them. Or do we have to wait until Charles Bronson equivalent returns after a 35 year hiatus in a real-life Death Wish 5

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