The following blog is rated PG-13.  Parental guidance is advised.

Remember the famous scene in the movie classic, When Harry Met Sally?  You know, the one in Katz’s Deli on Houston Street in Manhattan.  Sally, played by Meg Ryan and Harry, played by Billy Crystal, talk about women faking extraordinary bliss while making whoopee.  Sally then gives Harry a very loud and a very explicit example of what it would sound like.  Yes, yes, yes, of course you do!  And you also must remember what the older woman at the next table (played, BTW, by director Rob Reiner’s mom) said, “I’ll have what she’s having.”

When it comes to President Joe Biden and Israel, I hope he’s faking because I certainly don’t want what he’s having.

What he has in mind isn’t at all pleasurable for Israel and could climax in the dangerous and lasting impotence of the one and only Jewish state. 

In Washington, DC, in the capitals of Europe and the Middle East, in most of the media, we are being told that the atrocities of 10/7, the murders, the rapes, the torture and the abductions, are the perfect impetus to a “just and lasting peace” between Israelis and Palestinians.  That the “two-state solution” is the only way to prevent another 10/7 from happening again.  That a revamped and revitalized Palestinian Authority will be a true partner for peace.

Yeah, well who’s going to get screwed if Biden’s fantasy becomes reality?

A Gallup poll taken between October 17 and December 3 certainly revealed the mood of the Israeli street.

Sixty-five percent of Israelis oppose the existence of an independent Palestinian state.  Ten years ago, the results were virtually the opposite.

It’s not only Bibi Netanyahu who is ostensibly a roadblock to the creation of a Palestinian state.  Let me tell you something.  If Netanyahu, or for that matter, any Israeli Prime Minister, felt the majority of Israelis wanted to take risks for peace, they would try to make a deal.  But right now?  After the national trauma of 10/7 that exposed Hamas brutality and Israeli vulnerability?  No way.

The invaders and murderers of 10/7 were aided and abetted by long-time Gazan workers who came to Israel everyday.  They sipped coffee with their  Israeli employers.  They provided Hamas with invaluable intelligence on the kibbutzim that were decimated.  They excitedly and gleefully rushed through the border fence and participated in the carnage.

The women and men who were murdered and abducted on 10/7 weren’t uber-Zionists who fervently sought a greater Israel and the expulsion of the Arab population.  They were liberal, secular Israelis who wanted to believe peace was possible.

Biden is wrong if he thinks he can force a petrified Israeli public to make love with people they now thoroughly distrust.  

No, no, no, Joe.  Not yes, yes, yes. 

And the Palestinians?  A survey of West Bank and Gazan Palestinians was done during the one and only truce and it found that 72% of respondents believe the Hamas attack on Israel was “correct.”

Biden is talking about a revamped and reconstituted Palestinian Authority that will be a peace partner.  What wand will he wave over Ramallah that will make that happen? 

Does he know the PA has done nothing to prepare its people for accepting an independent and peaceful Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel?  Does he know the PA glorifies terrorists and rewards their families with pay for slay money?  Is he aware the PA perpetuates the promise of the right of return for hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians, which, in and of itself, would destroy the two-state solution? 

And most frighteningly, does Biden realize a revamped PA could include elements of Hamas because he won’t allow Israel to finish them off?

So Joe, here’s what has to happen before you try to force Israel to swallow a bad piece of peace.  Call it Friend’s Peace with Benefits plan.

  • First, Hamas needs to be defeated and its leaders killed or exiled.  End of discussion.
  • Second, you need to force the Arab nations to rebuild Gaza and install a technocracy that will create a better life for the residents of that orphaned strip of land.  If the oppressed people of Gaza see a true path to prosperity through peace, there’s a chance they will turn away from terror.  But it will take lots of money and lots of time.
  • Third, if Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt want to weaken Iran, they need to stop being fakers about wanting true regional security and actually do something about it.  They need to make sure Gaza can never again be a base for the terror pimps of Tehran. 
  • Fourth, Biden and his team need to grow a set and tell the Palestinians the truth.  The truth is they’ve squandered every chance of having an independent state because they’ve never, ever given up the fairy tale that somehow, Israel would just disappear and they’d live happily ever after.
  • Fifth, forget the United Nations.  It has proven to be a co-conspirator in the attack of 10/7.  

But here’s the big hard problem about to smack the Israelis in the face.  What if Biden, the Euros and the Arabs unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state?  Reportedly, Biden has already broached the subject with Bibi, who has categorically and rightly rejected the “imposition of a Palestinian state on Israel.”  Talk about a victory for the murderers of 10/7 and it will also be very bad news for a totally isolated Israel.

Anyone who is a supporter of Israel should tell Biden where he can stick it, that he’ll lose your vote, that it will prematurely end his chance at a second term.  Make sure he understands you’re having none of it and you’re sure as hell not faking.


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