What’s Blinken Thinkin’? Mazi/Suozzi, Carousel Crazies & Kraft Kudos

As Gomer Pyle used to say, “Surprise, surprise, surprise.”

President Joe Biden has openly succumbed to political pressure and has thrown Israel under the bus.  

On Thursday, in a rare, disjointed and unnerving news conference because of his mental decline, Biden said Israel’s retaliation for the Hamas atrocities on 10/7 was “over the top.”  The day before, he dispatched his main man, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to shove the knife even deeper into Israel’s back.

Biden’s Blinken held a news conference in Tel Aviv and gave a nod to the dehumanization of Israelis by Hamas on 10/7 and the ongoing dehumanization of the hostages.  But Blinken also said Israel can’t take it as a “license to dehumanize others” namely the citizens of Gaza.

Let’s set the record straight.  

The Hamas terrorists are the dehumanizers, but not only of Israelis.  They’ve dehumanized innocent people in Gaza by stealing hundreds of millions of dollars that would have vastly improved their lives.  They constructed a mammoth underground world of munitions factories, rocket launchers and hostage cages.  Those barbaric, immoral terrorists hide hundreds of feet below the surface leaving their above-ground citizens to bear the brunt of the conflict.  If that’s not dehumanization, I don’t know what is.

Who shattered the ceasefire on 10/7 in the most heinous manner?  Hamas.  Who can end the pain and suffering of the war?  Hamas.  Who is giving the terrorists hope they can hold out to murder, rape and kidnap another day?  The new Neville Chamberlain’s of Europe and now the head resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Surprise, surprise, surprise?  Not really.

Biden, the career politician, is worried about his own political neck, so he’s put Israel’s on the chopping block.

Biden is worried he’s going to lose Michigan next November, a state vital to his reelection, because the large Muslim population there is pissed at him.

Progressives he needs to turn out the vote, are demanding he abandon Israel.

So, what better time, when more than a hundred Israeli hostages are still being dehumanized by Hamas, when tens of thousands of Israelis are being dehumanized because they are too afraid to return to their homes, when the dehumanizers of Jews around the world take every opportunity to call for the end of Israel, what better time for his Secretary of State to throw another log on the Israel-hating, Jew-hating bonfire?

As Israel’s former ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren said, Blinken “contributes to the delegitimization of Israel and the demonization of Jews worldwide…Dehumanizing us endangers our security and possibly our existence.”

Biden’s backstabbing may play well in Dearborn, Michigan but on Tuesday we’ll see if it will resonate on Long Island.

A special election will be held in New York’s 3rd Congressional District that encompasses parts of Queens and Nassau County’s North Shore.  You know, it’s the one the fabulous fabulist George Santos used to represent. 

It could be a bellwether, to see which issues are important to voters for the national elections in November.

The Dems are running Tom Suozzi, a career politician, a strong supporter of Israel, and a guy who actually said “no” when asked if he would welcome an endorsement from Joe Biden.  His campaign slogan is “Let’s Fix This.”  I’m not sure what “this” is and how he intends to fix it, but whatever.

The GOP is running a relative newcomer to politics, Mazi Pilip, an Ethiopian-born, former member of the IDF, who’s been active in local Nassau County politics.

Of course in addition to the matter of US support for Israel, abortion, immigration, taxes and Trump are also important issues in the race.

One school of thought says a vote for Suozzi is a vote to counterbalance the far left Congressional Democrats.  Some say a Suozzi win will strengthen the centrists.

The other school of thought says Suozzi will be subsumed by the leftist, Democrat tide and it’s better to have a Republican woman of color in Congress to stand up to the Squad and its supporters.

In any case, after millions of dollars spent by both sides, the polls show it’s a very close race. 

Suozzi or Mazi?  We’ll find out on Tuesday.

Back to the issue of dehumanizing, or in this case, de-animalizing.  More specifically, dehorse-ifying.

Did you read what PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, just did?

PETA wrote a letter to the manufacturer of merry-go-rounds to stop producing and selling animal themed carousels.

PETA says those rides “unintentionally celebrate exploitation” of animals.  PETA says they make children believe horses are solely used for entertainment and do not depict them as living beings with feelings.

Maybe I’m missing something, but do wooden horses on a carousel in an amusement park have feelings?

After a six-year old gleefully bobs up and down on a beautifully carved, joyfully painted merry-go-round horse, will he/she/they go out and find the nearest Clydesdale to humiliate?  

Replace the horses with rocket ships?  Tea cups?  Bulldozers?

To PETA I say, nay!  Stop trying to suck the pleasure out of the life of children and stunt their imagination. 

If this isn’t nuts, then I’m a horse’s ass.  Whoops, sorry for culturally appropriating an equine’s derriere.

Okay.  Time to put aside the political machinations and the PETA preposterousness.  I want to leave you with a story about someone trying to mend, not rend, society.

Kudos to Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, who continues to put his money where his mouth is.

Today, Super Bowl Sunday, Kraft’s Foundation to Combat Antisemitism, is buying an ad in the big game.  Dr. Clarence B. Jones, who helped Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. write his “I Have A Dream Speech,” will appear in the 30-second spot.

Kraft says, “What we’re going to do together after this ad is build bridges to get more love and subdue the hate that’s going on and let people of all backgrounds and all color, all gender, all religions, look at the positive things in life.”

Amen and thank you, Mr. Kraft.  Hey, do you want to be president?  After all, you’re about the right age.


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