Inconvenient Truths

The Israel-Hamas war has entered a new and even more dangerous phase and it’s time to face some inconvenient truths.

Inconvenient Truth #1

The war between Israel and Hamas is now a war between the United States and Iran. 

America has been attacked by Iran’s proxies.  American facilities in Syria and Iraq have been attacked by drones and rockets.  The US has responded with a couple of strikes on Iranian targets in Syria.

But make no mistake.  Iran is testing us.  Iran is testing to see if we are a paper tiger.  Iran is testing how deeply President Joe Biden meant it when he said, “don’t”.  

No one wants a wider war, but what’s the tipping point?  When do we send a clear message to the Iranian terrorist regime that we won’t be intimidated?

Here’s what happened on 10/7.  Not only was Israel attacked, America’s role in the world was attacked.  Israel little satan, America big satan.  

If America looks weak in its response to Iran’s proxies and if it holds Israel back from finishing off Hamas, Iran will then call the shots in the middle east.  It’s game over for Israel, for America and for the west.

But wait, there’s more.

Don’t you think China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin are texting non-stop about what’s going on?  

Funding for Ukraine is already getting tiresome for some legislators, giving Putin hope he can outlast the feckless capitalists.  If he smells further weakness on the global stage by the American administration, he can keep Ukraine at bay until they run out of ammo and have to capitulate.

In the far east, China is also watching.  Taiwan hangs in the balance, and possibly the Philippines.

Inconvenient Truth #2

We’re in a bloody battle between new Nazis and Jews.

The murderer who phoned his parents on 10/7, proudly declaring he killed ten Israelis with his own hands, didn’t call them Israelis.  He called them Jews.

He didn’t ask them if they were card carrying members of AIPAC or of J Street.  They were just Jews.

The thousands of pro-Hamas demonstrators chanting on the streets and on the quads are calling for the gassing of Jews.  They say they now understand why Hitler hated Jews. That’s real Nazi talk.

When they demand a free Palestine from the river to the sea, that means no Jews in Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv.  Can you say, judenrein?

The inconvenient truth is, with apologies to Dara Horn,  the new Nazis  don’t love dead Jews, they hate live Jews.

Inconvenient Truth #3

Israel has always maintained it will fight its own battles, but the one person who is indispensable for Israel to survive, doesn’t sit in the Kirya in Tel Aviv planning war strategy.  He sits at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

It was true with Richard Nixon in 1973 and it’s true with Joe Biden in 2023.

The inconvenient truth is, the President of the United States is still the only person that can provide the military, financial and diplomatic cover for Israel to do what it needs to do.

Israel must have the full and unequivocal backing of the White House.  It can’t be undermined by someone who is wishy-washy about the only Jewish state, like Barack Obama, or who makes foreign policy on a whim or because of personal slights, real or imagined, like Donald Trump.

Inconvenient Truth #4

I know the answer to this but I will ask the question anyway.  

The sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas against old women, young women, girls, is absolutely ghastly.  They raped, they defiled, they mutilated.  They cut a fetus out of a pregnant woman.

So, how is it possible that so many so-called feminists, have not only been silent, but march in support of Hamas?

The use of sexual violence against Jewish women comes from a very dark place.  It is rooted in a centuries-old hatred, in crusades and in pogroms.  The Hamas terrorists revived that barbarism on 10/7 in the most heinous fashion.

Where is the feminist outrage?  It is hiding in the offices of university presidents and corporate board rooms.  It is hiding in labor union meetings.  It is hiding in the United Nations, where its leader says the Jews have only themselves to blame for their own defilement.  It is hiding in plain sight on social media.  It is hiding behind the dishonest slogans of anti-oppression, anti-colonialism and intersectionality.

It is the latest iteration of the dehumanizing of the Jew, a tactic that has been so successful for generations of Jew killers.

Here’s the inconvenient truth for all the Jewish people who thought they had allies in the feminist world and in progressive organizations.  You don’t.  And BTW, don’t think the neo-Nazis on the extreme right aren’t gleeful over the abandonment of Jewish liberals by their erstwhile comrades.


These are some of the hard truths coming from 10/7 and its aftermath.  They are inconvenient and they are uncomfortable.  They slap you in the face and they hurt like hell.  But they must wake us up to the realization that the only thing that will save us is a strong, determined and heroic State of Israel.  

Otherwise, never again will turn into, it happened, again.


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