Right off the bat, I want to apologize to all the clowns in the world. To all the very talented and creative professional clowns.  It’s necessary because of the amateur clown show this past week in Washington, DC.

First clown in the show, Congressman Matt Gaetz, who cobbled together enough of his clown cohorts to force a vote that ousted his very own Republican Speaker of the House.  

That small cluster of clowns, hypocritically aligned with gleeful Democrats to decapitate Speaker Kevin McCarthy.  When it comes to their selfish, self-aggrandizing agenda, they have no problem linking arms with the Dems, but they’ll never do it for the good of the nation.  

In dethroning McCarthy, Gaetz and his troupe didn’t reign in Federal spending, or make the southern border less porous.  By blowing up his own Speaker, he blew up the legislative process.  

The Speaker of the US House of Representatives is one of the most important jobs in the nation. It’s a role designated in the US Constitution.  It’s a job that craves stability and demands strength, but the Republican rebels stripped away both those things.  

McCarthy was kicked in the can after just 270 days on the job, the third shortest tenure for a Speaker of the House in US history. 

Until a new Speaker is chosen, the House is paralyzed.  The work of the American people is frozen. 

But Matt Gaetz doesn’t care about any of that.  He creates chaos. He is a narcissistic, recklessly ambitious, irksome punk, who has no regard for the way our nation is governed through compromise.  He has no interest in advancing any interest but his own. 

Right after the McCarthy vote, Gaetz started sending out fundraising messages on social media, as he gears up for a possible run for governor of Florida.  

Being a political terrorist is apparently good for the pocketbook.

But I reserve my clown crown, to former Speaker McCarthy himself, for whom I have no sympathy.  Here’s why.

Immediately after January 6, before he became Speaker, McCarthy did the right thing and placed the blame for the insurrection squarely in the lap of Donald J. Trump.  He said Trump “bears responsibility for [the} attack on Congress by mob rioters.”  But not long after, as his sights were set on running the House, McCarthy flew to Trump’s Lair-a-Lago (I think it should be renamed, don’t you?), to kiss the former president’s putter and apologize.  Trump repaid McCarthy’s kowtowing, backing him for the speaker’s job.

In a June interview on CNBC, McCarthy was asked about the 2024 presidential election with Trump as the GOP candidate.  McCarthy said, “The question is, is he the strongest to win the election?  I don’t know the answer.”

But, you cannot diss the Donald, even a little.  So McCarthy made another trip to Palm Beach to reaffirm his fealty to Don Donald.

Just like in the mafia, you have to keep on paying tribute to the godfather, or you will end up sleeping with the fishes.

McCarthy probably thought he had paid enough tribute to Trump that, when push came to shove, the capo di tuti capi would call off the hit men.

Clownish McCarthy.  Just as his godfather didn’t tell the J6 soldiers to leave the gun on Nancy Pelosi’s desk and take the cannoli, he didn’t call off the O3 assassins of this past week, either. 

Trump demands loyalty but he shows none.  He will never do anything for the good of the nation, if it runs counter to the interests of Donald Trump.  If there’s nothing in it for him, he doesn’t give a damn.

Kevin McCathy was a true bozo if he thought Donald Trump was going to throw him a lifeline.

Oh, and where was the former president while the Republican radicals, who worship at his golf locker, were digging Kevin McCarthy a huge divet?  He was in a Manhattan courtroom where his so-called successful business empire was being exposed for the shell game that it is.  

There was the former president, scowling, red-faced and raging to a headline hungry media horde, about how he and his perfect company were being persecuted by communists, racists and radical Democrats.  It’s always all about Trump, keeping him as the center of attention and fueling his fundraising. 

This past week, the Republican Party showed it is incapable of governing and functioning in the best interests of the American people.  It’s a hard thing to do, but the congressional Republicans actually made the Democrats look the adults in the room.  Except, of course, for Westchester Congressman Jamaal Bowman, who pulled a fire alarm he claimed he mistook for a door opener, as he was rushing to a vote.  Clearly, the only thing on fire were Bowman’s pants.

But, I digress.

The historic removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House of Representatives, is proof positive that the GOP is just another overvalued property of Trump, Inc.  He has bankrupted the party just as he has bankrupted his casinos.  And because of that, even up against comatose Joe and the profligate Democrats, the Republicans will lose again in 2024 if he is the nominee. 

Matt Gaetz, the ringleader of this year’s Capitol Hill circus, is Trump’s spawn.  He too is a chaos clown.  His act is also all about destroying the foundations that keep our democracy functioning.  

He’s Mini-Me to Dr. Evil.  They’re clowns but they’re not funny.   

Eventually, hopefully, their acts will end.  But I’m not sure our nation can afford to wait for them to fold up their tent and leave town. 


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