Listen to: NY’s “GIANTS”

In the midst of this holiday season, there are three “giants” who’ve stomped their way into

Stevie and Goliath

Scott Boras is a man who sits astride the baseball world like a colossus.  But he doesn’t play in the field and he never comes to bat.  He’s a mega-agent, repping some of the most important players with the biggest contracts.

Just to give you an idea, in the past couple of weeks, Boras’ clients have signed deals totaling more than a billion dollars.  The New York Mets were big buyers.

Of Mets owner Steve Cohen, Boras says, “Our game needs Goliaths.”  Easy for Boras to praise Cohen.  Uncle Stevie just opened his petty cash drawer and dropped almost $500 million dollars on a couple of Boras clients.

Yes, in baseball world, the Mets owner is a Goliath.  But even beyond sports, Scott Boras is totally on point.  

We need giants, women and men who not only think big but who also act big.  The future of our city, our, our nation, our world depends on it.

We need them, but we don’t have them, at least not in government.  Why is that?

Part of it is due to the hyper-partisan, non-stop news we watch and support.  Part of it is due to our addiction to social media that pours our news through its own artificial intelligence strainer.

Boras, you are correct.  We need Goliaths but I’m not sure we can wait till next season.  Hey, got anyone left who’s available?

A Giant Among Jerks

James Dolan, the reclusive owner of Madison Square Garden plus the Knicks, Rangers, Radio City Music Hall and the Beacon Theatre, heir to the fortune his father Charles built, redefines the word petty.  

He’s turned the facial recognition software at his arenas against lawyers that are suing his company for various and sundry reasons.  And when the spyware nails you, Dolan dispatches his private security force to stop, question and kick you out. Doesn’t matter if you’re with your family, your kids, even if you’re chaperoning a girl scout troop.  Face it, you’re the enemy.  

One lawyer even went so far as to grow a beard to try to slip past the Dolan security apparatus, and he did!

Sue me?  No Seinfeld at the Beacon for you!  Don’t let the Rockettes kick you in the ass on the way out of Radio City!  Let me show you the back door play out of MSG!

To you King James I say can’t you just grow up? Isn’t it bad enough your lousy teams haven’t won a championship in like, forever?  Now you are getting even more bad press for this bush league move?

You may run MSG like a godfather, but sonny,  this is business, not personal!  

Prince of Prevarication

Republican Congressman-elect George Santos helped the GOP sweep  Long Island’s Congressional seats last month.  He told voters he graduated from Baruch College, worked at Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, and started an animal rescue charity.  It’s all on his official bio.

He also claimed his grandparents were Holocaust survivors and said he was half-Jewish, a self-described “Latino Jew.”  

Sounds like a guy who has it all, no?  


The New York Times and other media outlets have revealed that Santos just didn’t make up part of his bio, noooo, it’s all lies.  I can’t believe he made up the whole thing!

Of course, lots of public figures lie.  Remember NBC’s Brian Williams?  He lied about covering a bunch of really big stories.  And Santos isn’t the first politician to make up stuff about his past.  When Richard Blumenthal was running in 2010 for US Senate in Connecticut he claimed he served in the Marines in Vietnam.  But it was the New York Times that revealed the truth that Blumenthal served in the Marine Reserve and the closest he got to Vietnam was watching Miss Saigon.  OK, I just made that up, ha!

Should Santos step aside?  Why should he? 

He fits in perfectly in Congress along with the other fakers, fabricators and fraudsters.

Congressman-elect Santos, you are the embodiment of the expression “go big or go home.”  You are a rockstar among liars.  You are head and shoulders above any other dissembling politician.  

You sir, are a Goliath!

1 thought on “NY’s “Giants””

  1. Boras: It’s nothing personal – just business and legal. You do consider athletes to be exceptional, and a source of business and employment for others. Hence the big bucks.
    Dolan: I get your point, particularly when the NYT describes the story in terms of his being a heartless meanie (extreme guilt by association in girl scout story). On the hand, if someone walked into your home or business and then they, or someone with whom they are associated, brought a frivolous lawsuit against you, I’m not so sure you or I would let them into our place.
    Santos: Assuming his tell-all this week will not disprove all the fraud accusations, he will remain a disgusting, lying, conniving horse’s ass. Hope he a) immediately looses his position before he takes a seat in Congress, b) is tried, found guilty, penalized, jailed, and c) sent back to whatever hole from whence he came. Did I say I don’t like the SOB ?

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