Listen to: YOU’RE STUPID!

The New York Times thinks if you live in New York and voted for Republicans in last month’s election you are stupid.

Fellow idiots, if you want to learn more, then read on.

The Times insinuates all Republicans, independents and fed-up Democrats are clearly dupes of the New York Post.  That’s how The Times explains the big gains the GOP made in the New York Congressional races, and why Lee Zeldin came close to defeating Kathy Hochul in a state where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans two-to-one.

All those voters that live in the suburbs, in Nassau County, Suffolk, Rockland and even in some parts of New York City, they clearly cannot think for themselves.  They were brainwashed by the fear-mongering Republicans.  Oh, and those “Orthodox Jews” (whoever that is and whatever that means), according to the New York Times, they abandoned the Democrats because they want to keep teaching their kids nothing.

The Times insinuates that if you are are fed up with crime, homelessness, rampant drug use and lawlessness, you are a tool of the Murdochs.  When you get off the LIRR or Metro North at Grand Central or Penn Stations, you really arrive in paradise.  The depravity that smacks you in the face like an uppercut from a heavyweight boxer, is a mirage.

But, my dear editors of the gray lady, here are the cold hard facts.

There may have not been a red wave nationwide, but there certainly was one in New York.  Take Long Island, for example, Nassau and Suffolk Counties.  Next year, all of the island’s congressional seats will be held by Republicans, and that hasn’t happened for seven decades.

In the State Senate, the GOP more than doubled the number of seats it will control in Albany.

And here’s a really startling stat to ponder.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the guy who loves his downstate Sunday news conferences where he truly believes he’s connecting with his constituents, his results from on Long Island last month are enough to make him up-chuck.  Schumer ran against a guy named Joe Pinion, a complete nobody with no money and guess what?  Pinion beat Schumer in Nassau and Suffolk pretty handily.

The New York Times says “Republicans…relentlessly fanned…fears, blaming Democrats for the small rises in crime (emphasis mine).”

But Laura Curren, the former Nassau County Executive who was tossed from her office last year by a Republican and who last month lost her congressional race to a Republican, said it succinctly in that same Times article.  Curran said, “I don’t think it can be overstated how visceral people on Long Island feel about [crime].”

So no surprise, we know The New York Times has its head so far up its news hole it’s peering out from its masthead.  People feel unsafe.  They don’t want to come to the city for dinner or the theatre.  They fear for their kids who live in the city.  They’d rather work from home than contend with sickos on the subway and sordidness on the sidewalks. 

But here’s the problem.  The Democrat leadership in New York will read the Times article and will internalize the continuing belief that they are doing the right thing.  They will attribute their awful performance in the midterms to the headlines in the Post and not due to their own ruinous policies.

However, if they start making changes they will not only help themselves, but will help bring back voters who’ve had enough of their progressive, one-party rule agenda.  

One small change to the ludicrous bail reform law will go a long way.  It’s not my idea, it belongs to the retiring NYPD Chief of Department Kenneth Corey.  The 35 year veteran cop told WNBC’s Jonathan Dienst that if judges were handed back the discretion to slap bail on repeat offenders, crime wouldn’t just go down in New York, it would plummet.  

Most crimes are committed by repeat offenders.  Lock them up and our streets, our businesses, our subways will be safer.  Maybe we wouldn’t even have to ask a CVS worker to unlock the shelf when we want to buy our Arid Extra Dry.

If we can just do that, just get the repeat offenders off the streets, then maybe we can figure out how to get the dangerous mentally ill people off the streets and get them the help they so desperately need.

Then maybe we can help figure out how to bring the suburbanites back to the restaurants and to the theaters.

The New York State Democrats and Kathy Hochul may think their progressive policies were endorsed in the past election because on the surface, they kept the governorship and their super-majority in the state legislature.  But as we’ve just seen, that’s not the whole story.

The women and men who voted against the deconstruction of a safe and sane state and city aren’t yahoos.  They are clear-thinking, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens.  Hey, New York Times, they are not fools, whose stupidity pushes them to vote for politicians who use, in the words of the of your headline, “doomsday-style ads to capitalize on suburban voters’ fear of crime.”

Here’s my simple one word headline about your article…chutzpah!

1 thought on “The Times to NY’ers: You’re Stupid!”

  1. Hillel Hammerman

    You definitely have your hand and mind firmly on the pulse of society.
    A must easier way to get rid of our current urban problems, be they in NYC or elsewhere, is to just declare, as those in office repeatedly do, that the problems are an exaggeration or, remarkably, they aren’t problems at all. Suddenly, puff, they are gone and all is well. The “sickos on the subway and sordidness on the sidewalks” are not a problem if they are not perceived as such. It is also easier when you are the one who isn’t harassed or much worse. What about tax revenue declines due to business losses and people leaving the city ? Also no problem – just tax the remaining rich, “whoever they are.” As the Staples tag line goes, “that was easy.”

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