E-Bikes, Andy and de Blaz

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Gotta update you on some recent blogs with new some developments.

Great reaction to last week’s blog entitled E-Bike Bedlam. So many of you agreed that NYC is out of control when it comes to e-vehicles.  

I reached out to New York State Senator Simcha Felder about his proposed legislation to bring stiffer rules and regulations to the epidemic of unlicensed, uninsured and unregistered motorized conveyances.  

Senator Felder responded to Friend Without Benefits.  He says he is committed to pushing for the new regulations in next year’s legislative session.

It calls for every person operating a bicycle, pedal powered or electric, or an electric scooter to wear a helmet.  It calls for the establishment of a DMV bicycle and electric scooter education course that leads to a license.  It also requires bicycle and electric scooter owners to register their vehicles and display a license plate.

Felder is right that, “the streets of NYC have become the wild, wild west” and I truly wish him much success in getting any or all of this legislation passed in Albany.  But I’d rather bet on the New York Jets winning the Super Bowl this year, the odds are better.

And speaking of long shots…remember my blog on May 27th, Cuo Vadis, wondering if Andrew Cuomo was cooking up a comeback?   Well, guess what, he was.

It has just been revealed that handsy Andy paid a pollster 93-thousand dollars on May 31st, just four days after my prophecy, as he was mulling over a political resurrection.  

The polling reportedly indicated there was a possibility of a comeback but I guess Andrew just wasn’t feeling it and didn’t want to be a loser.

And speaking of losers…how can I write a blog this week and not mention my all time favorite New York politician, Warren Wilhelm, Jr, a.k.a. Bill de Blasio.

Billy boy has dropped out of the race for Congress in the newly formed 10th CD after realizing most people hate him and never wanted to vote for him again. 

In bowing out of the race, de Boobio said voters “were looking for another option.”

Uh, yeah, like anyone but him.

He said he’s made “mistakes” and he wants “learn from those mistakes.” 

Hmmm…maybe he should take a course at Brooklyn College about how to f-up a city that was doing pretty good.

De Blasio says he wants to still serve in ways that don’t require actual votes.  Here’s a suggestion; how about staying close to your Park Slope house and serve cheesecake at Juniors?

De Blasio joins a long line for former New York Mayors who saw their political aspirations hit the third rail after serving in City Hall.

  • John Lindsay ran for President.  Nope.
  • Ed Koch ran for Governor.  Nope.
  • Rudy Giuliani ran for President.  Nope.
  • Mike Bloomberg ran for President.  Nope.
  • Bill de Blasio ran for President and Congress.  Nope and nope.

The only problem, and it’s a big one that de Blasio’s flame out has caused, is that the race in the 10th CD is now between super duper progressives backed by socialists.

So say buh-bye to Billy, wait for cagey Cuomo’s next move and pray that Felder can bring simcha and safety back to the streets of New York. 

N.B. Simcha means happiness in Hebrew.


4 thoughts on “E-Bikes, Andy and de Blaz”

  1. Dave. You really think the Jets will win the super bowl? 🙂
    I bike to work almost every day and the current biking situation is awful. But Felder’s proposal sounds like more over regulation. every bike rider required to take a course, get a license and put a plate on their bike? That might be overkill?
    How about we start by enforcing current laws? No motorcycles or outer restricted stuff on the bike paths. You can’t go the wrong way on a one way bike lane. You have to stop for red lights. That would be a huge help. and the laws are already in place.

  2. Hillel Hammerman

    Agree with Paul Goldstein.
    The way thins are, the additional rules will just mean there are more rules not being followed and the danger on the streets, crosswalks, and sidewalks will remain the same.

  3. The Jets will not win the Super Bowl, but the Mets could win the WS.
    My grandson has gotten me back into baseball after a long hiatus.
    I take him to games, I look at box scores & major league leaders every day, it’s wonderful.
    It’s a lot more enjoyable than political scoring.

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