Listen to Funny Guy

Enough with the commentary on crime, the NYPD, the subways…enough with Kathy Hochul, the New York State legislature, bail reform.  

This week I just want to laugh so I turn to none other than the 109th Mayor of The City of New York, the inimitable, the hilarious, Bill de Blasio.

Running a major New York TV news department during the de Blasio mayoralty, admittedly I had little to laugh about.  Bill was a dud, with a weird sense of humor and an even weirder smile.  

But now, not even five months out of office, Bill has turned into a comedian.

He penned an article in The Atlantic, giving advice to Joe Biden.  Kindred spirits they are.  Partners in unpopularity.

De Blaz admits he’s an expert in being unpopular.  He made “his fair share of mistakes,” he says.  Ya think?

Big bird, as some in the NYPD and in the media called him, says he started out OK…universal pre-k and all.  But he says in year seven things turned south and his popularity “tanked.”

I don’t know about you but I think that’s pretty damn funny.  So Bill, let me get this straight…you were doing great until almost the very end. Hahahaha.  Bill, I don’t now one person who thinks you were a good mayor.

You say you lost your connection with the people because you didn’t deliver a “vision for the future” for New Yorkers.  You say you worked hard but the people didn’t “feel your efforts.”

This just in…we did feel your efforts and it didn’t feel too good.

The cops felt your efforts and they literally turned their backs on you.  

The business community felt your efforts and it actively sought to replace you.

Small business owners and small landlords felt your efforts and they’re getting the hell out of the city.

New Yorkers felt your efforts when you gave your wife hundreds of millions of dollars of their money to fight mental illness and she squandered it.

So Bill, if you are advising President Biden that it’s about communicating the message, let me tell you something…first you have to have a message to communicate!

In your Atlantic article you say Joe Biden is “actually a very good messenger.”  He’s “likable, relatable and reassuring.”

OK, let’s unpack this, as they say, and put political ideologies aside.

Likable…is he?  The President curses out reporters, loves using the f-bomb and can chew up and spit out a staffer who crosses him.  I guess Jill likes him, don’t know about Kamala.

Relatable?  Huh?  Maybe compared to you Bill who had zero relatability.  You took your big black city issued Suburban each day from the Upper East Side to your gym in Brooklyn.  Yeah, we all can relate to that. 

Reassuring?  That’s a real knee slapper.  Bill, Joe Biden tries to shake hands with thin air while gas is at five bucks a gallon, our 401k’s are plummeting and there’s a raging war in Europe. I’m not reassured about anything.

De Blasio says that as mayor of New York City he had “one of the loudest megaphones in the country” and that he failed to use it properly.  

Bill, hear this loud and clear…we heard you but we didn’t like what we heard.

And now you’re giving advice to President Biden?  Oh I can see the lights burning late into the night at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue parsing every word!  

My advice to Biden is not to listen to de Blasio’s advice.  He should take a cue from George Costanza in Seinfeld when he realizes every instinct he has is totally wrong so he decides to do the opposite.  

Joe Biden should do what Costanza did…read the article and order a chicken salad on rye with potato salad and a cup of tea!

4 thoughts on “Funny Guy”

  1. It’s a waste of time talking about a progressive idiot and one who doesn’t know what he is.
    Instead, Google an op ed written by Monica Crowley and Andrew Stein, Dems v Jews.

  2. Excellent article, on point as always. I totally agree with everything you wrote. I don’t think Kamala is too fond of Biden either. Hasn’t de Blasio caused enough damage in New York; perhaps we should send him over to Russia to advise Putin.

  3. Hillel Hammerman

    As the saying goes “birds of a feather fly together.”
    Deputzio, Biden, and Harris are together and are all birdbrains.
    The squad and their other enablers are worse and dangerous.

  4. Your piece was so timely since he announced he intends to run for Congress. Yes a true Funny Guy though does he realize his base has shrunk?

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