Listen to Duh and Duh-er

When politicians blabber, I say “DUH!”

Here’s what’s behind “DUH!” number one.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is shocked and outraged that police officers are obsessed with their smartphones.  Adams is angry that they’re texting, tweeting or placing sports bets when they should be on the lookout for lawbreakers. And he wants us to rat them out by snapping pictures and sending them to City Hall.

Mr. Mayor, I have news for you.  Every day we all see people breaking the law.  Not real big criminals, just ones who shove their middle fingers in the faces of New Yorkers. Scooters and bicycles running red lights or going the wrong way.  Fresh Direct trucks using the public streets as distribution depots, blocking fire hydrants and traffic lanes.  Weed markets in full view on the streets of the Five Boroughs.  I can go on and on and the cops don’t do a damn thing.

You’re right to be pissed that some cops are more concerned with TikTok than with ticketing.  Maybe you should tell them to get their asses in gear and do their jobs.  But don’t make citizens into stoolies.  

Here’s what’s behind “DUH!” number two.  

The head of New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the MTA, is going to form “a panel of distinguished New Yorkers” to figure out how to beat the fare beaters.  “A panel of distinguished New Yorkers” says MTA boss Janno Lieber.  Yup, that’ll do it.  

Lieber is so on top of it. He also revealed that “people who commit robberies and violent crimes generally don’t bother with MetroCard swipes or OMNY taps.”  


Lieber, here’s a radical concept for you. How about arresting people who don’t pay their fares???  

You don’t want to call it broken windows policing? Okay, call it our last ditch effort to save the NYC transit system from losing half a billion dollars this year to fare beaters.

Here’s what’s behind “DUH!” number three. 

In New Jersey, even though you can buy legal weed and have someone pump your gas, almost 60-percent of residents want out of the Garden State.

Number one on their fed up list…high property taxes.  “DUH!”

When will the tax, tax, tax politicians get it?  COVID has opened our eyes to a different way of life.  If we can work from anywhere why do we need to work from a state that constantly has its hands in our wallets?

Here’s another poll to think about…last year’s United Van Lines National Movers Study revealed the top states people moved from.  

You know where New Jersey ranked on that list?  Right at the tippy top!  In fact, Jersey has been at the top of the “let’s get the hell outta here” list for the past four years!

Hey you guys in Trenton, wake up!  

And you geniuses in Illinois, New York, Connecticut and California don’t smirk.  You’re regularly among the top outbound states too.  Hmmm…wonder why?

And now for the fourth and final “DUH!” and it’s a doozy.

This past week in an interview on PBS, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the fauch-meister, Dr. Corona himself, said the United States “certainly, right now, in this country, [is] out of the pandemic phase.”

And here’s what he said the very next day… hold onto your nasal swabs….Fauci said we’re in a more “controlled phase…by no means does that mean the pandemic is over.”

Okay, you caught me.  This isn’t really a “DUH!” moment, it’s a “WTF!!!” moment.

Fauci, it’s pretty obvious you’ve lost it.  Just say goodbye to everyone Tony, the advice king of Corona.  Your double-talk makes us even more COVID crazy.   

Except for the Upper West Side of Manhattan, the country is done with COVID.  You locked us down, jabbed us, mandated we wear masks when we wake, walk and work. We did all you asked.

But now, stop treating us like imbeciles.  We can make rational health decisions for ourselves and not end up in the ICU. 

Enough! Back off! DUH!!!

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