This has been a bad week for Jews and a great one for anti-Jews.

Amnesty International came out with a report which basically said the State of Israel is illegitimate from its inception in 1948.

ABC star personality Whoopi Goldberg said the Holocaust wasn’t a racial thing, it was about white people hating on other white people.

So I got together with two smart guys, Jake Novack and Jeff Ballabon and did a podcast/discussion about those issues and everything that flows from them.

So instead of reading a lot of my words, take 45 minutes and watch.  Two full disclosures: 

  1. It was our virgin flight so it’s not as polished as we would like.
  2. It was recorded just prior to Goldberg’s suspension by ABC News.   

Let me just add this about the ABC News/Disney response to what Whoopi Goldberg said.  It was so late and so little.  No where in ABC News President Kim Godwin’s statement did she speak the truth about Goldberg’s words…that they were reprehensible and a slap in the face of every Jewish person.  

Oh, and one other thing…shame on Jonathan Greenblatt and the ADL for throwing every Jewish journalist at ABC News under the bus for making Goldberg “kosher”.  They were speaking out and standing up and he cut their nuts off.

Here’s the podcast.  You probably won’t agree with everything you hear so feel free to leave comments.

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As I said, we’ll get better at this.  

Looking forward to better times and happier news.

4 thoughts on “Not Making Whoopi”

  1. It was a very thought-provoking discussion among the 3 of you. Regarding Whoopi Goldberg, the question I pose is: if she is as popular and well-liked as mentioned, and she is, in fact, fired from the show, will that feed into the trope that the Jews control the media? Perhaps it’s a fantasy, but perhaps the best solution would be mandating Whoopi Goldberg to take rigorous classes in Holocaust history, with a required final exam or paper before being allowed to return.

  2. Excellent discussion by people with experience, as opposed to the “Vue” moderators who are paid, and unfortunately are popular, for mouthing off on any number of topics of which they know little. They posture and mug for the audience and spread ignorance. Further dimension on this most recent, of many, insults has been perfectly expressed by Rebecca Sugar in today’s Wall Street Journal. Three other points to consider:
    (1) We have so many Jewish organizations to represent our interests. When they fail to do so, is the answer to correct the organization or to say they are hopeless and from yet another organization?
    (2) In the case of journalists, it would be refreshing to have some broad-based structure to combat the new form of widespread, frequently exercised new journalism where facts and events, that replaced the former yellow journalism pre 1920, have been replaced by unverified sources and opinions presented as facts.
    (3) In regard to what to do about “Goldberg,” consider if a Jewish, Italian, etc person was stupid enough to get on national television and say that it’s “y’all” just black people killing other black people. That person would never be heard from again on that network.

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