Messages from Israel

The mind-blowing intelligence victories by Israel this past week against men with so much blood on their hands, were amazing feats of strength.  They should’ve been lauded, praised and admired, but they weren’t.

The assassinations of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in the heart of Tehran, and the blowing up of Hezbollah big man Fuad Shukr in the bowels of Beirut, were met with boundless hand-wringing by heads of state, diplomats and journalists.

Oh, Israel is gonna plunge us into a regional war.  Guess what?  We’re already in a regional war.  Oh, diplomacy is the only way to bring an end to this conflict.  Guess what?  Diplomacy hasn’t done squat so far.  Oh, this makes a deal to free the hostages held by Hamas that much more difficult.  Guess what?  It’s been more than 300 days since October 7th and it’s clear Hamas won’t release the remaining hostages unless it believes it has lost the war with Israel.

What the presidents, prime ministers and journalists don’t appreciate, is by ridding the world of two terrorists, these two evil men, Israel not only helped itself but it also helped the western world.

Ismail Haniyeh and Fuad Shukr wanted nothing less than the destruction of Israel, for sure, but also the destruction of America and of western civilization.

Hell, Shukr, Hezbollah’s number two guy, had a $5 million US bounty on his head for playing a key role in the 1983 bombing of the US Marine Corps barracks in Beirut.  More than 240 American servicemen were killed in that awful attack.  In 2019, the US State Department marked him as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist.”

He served on Hezbollah’s Jihad Council, not exactly a group like your local school board.

Ismail Haniyeh was no angel, either.  Actually, he was.  He was the angel of death.  He too was hell bent on the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of Jews.  He was very clear that he would never recognize Israel.  He called Osama bin Laden an “Arab holy warrior.”  He was opposed to all normalization between Israel and the Arab nations.

Haniyeh played a key role in building up Hamas’ military capabilities by closely aligning with the head of the terrorist snake, the Ayatollah Khamenei.  In fact, the Israelis purportedly blew him up after a BFF meeting with Khamenei.

Some misguided souls called him a Hamas moderate.  Are you kidding?

So, let’s shred the sackcloth and rinse off the ashes over the deserved deaths of Haniyeh and Shukr.

Not only did Israel do the right thing by sending them on their heavenly date with the virgins, its bold and unprecedented actions sent some strong and important messages to some of the devils still walking the Earth.

To Iran’s Ayatollah, by ordering the deadly attack on Haniyeh in the heart of the Iranian capital, Israel is saying:  If you think you are safe in your own country, you’re not.  Our agents are all over the Islamic Republic.  Your air defenses have more holes than a skewer of joojeh kabob.  If and when we attack your oil refineries, like we just did to the Houthis in Yemen, it will not only be lights out all over your teetering dictatorship, it will be lights out for you as the supreme leader.

To Hamas’ head terrorist thug Yahya Sinwar, somewhere in his Gaza hidey hole, Israel’s message is:  Your guy, who was the face of the hostage talks, just ate a heaping plate of Semtex as his late night snack, so forget about a hostage deal on your terms.  If we can kill Haniyeh 1200 miles away in a very posh, heavily guarded Iranian Revolutionary Guard apartment, we sure as shit can kill you right next door in your Gaza tunnel.

To Hassan Nasrallah, the head terrorist of Hezbollah, Israel’s message is:  We airmailed your chief of staff a missile with his name on it while he was playing hide the falafel balls with his goomah in a Beirut apartment. If you didn’t believe we know your every move, where you live, where you sleep and who you sleep with, you’d better believe it now.  If you keep killing our citizens in the north of Israel, and they can’t return to their homes because of your rockets and missiles, you’ll be next on our to die list.

To Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Jordan, the Israeli Prime Minister and Israeli defense establishment are saying:  After 10/7, if you thought we lost our military and intelligence edge, think again.  If you thought we lost our deterrence capability, think again.  We can strike our enemies any place at any time.  If you fear Iran, as you should, you have no stronger friend than Israel.

And here’s the clear message Benjamin Netanyahu personally sent to possible US President Kamala Harris this past week.  It came after their disastrous meeting in Washington, DC and her speech that clearly augurs tough times ahead for Israel in a Harris administration.  Israel will not abide by an American policy of appeasing Iran that was begun under Barack Obama, continued by Joe Biden, and given who is on your foreign policy team Ms. Harris, will probably be ramped up in your administration.

Israel doesn’t always do the right thing, but this past week, at great peril to its home front and to its citizens, Israel not only did the right thing, it did the just thing.

So, don’t let the pundits, publishers and prognosticators steer you away from the truth.  Instead of fretting over what Israel did, we should be cheering it on.  It took someone to do something when so many others are afraid to do anything.

High fives for Israel and what it did in Beirut and Tehran.  No hand-wringing here. Israel put itself on the line not only to try to make itself a little more safe, but also to try to make the world a little more sane.

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