Please, don’t tell me.

Don’t tell me that Joe Biden is an amazing American patriot for suddenly withdrawing his candidacy for president this past week.

Don’t tell me he sacrificed himself to unite the nation and to pass the torch to a new generation.

Don’t tell me it is a triumph of democracy that Kamala Harris was picked to challenge Donald Trump.

Please, don’t.  It’s quite the contrary.

The nation’s registered Democrats were robbed of the chance to choose their candidate in the presidential election of 2024.

They were robbed by a conspiracy, yes a conspiracy, perpetrated by advisers close to Joe Biden and by top Democrat office-holders, to coverup the president’s mental decline.

They knew what Biden was like in 2022 when he asked if a dead congresswoman was at a White House event.  Yet they squashed all challengers to his candidacy.

They knew what he was like last year when he was unable to walk up the main stairway to Air Force One and had to take the short stairs into the belly of the plane.  Yet they hailed him as their standard bearer.

They knew what he was like in February of this year after special counsel Robert Hur’s report on the president’s classified documents probe.  Hur said Biden’s memory had significant limitations, that is was hazy, fuzzy, faulty and poor.  Yet they let him glide through the primaries.

But after the June 27th debate, when Biden gave incoherent answers and held his mouth agape like a corpse, they could hide it no longer. More than 50-million people saw it for themselves.  It was un-hideable.

So, they panicked and pulled out all the stops to dethrone him.  Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer did a full Brutus on their Julius Caesar. 

The behind the scenes puppeteer, Barack Obama, twisted the knife in his ex-VP’s back by using a proxy named George Clooney.

Now, instead of the voters having their say who will be the Democrat nominee, instead of having an open convention or a snap primary, they are force fed a candidate, who, when she ran for president on her own in 2016, was a total flop.  She did not garner even one vote.  

Kamala Harris is a candidate the polls show is an unpopular as the man she replaced.  She is a candidate we know little about in terms of her vision for America, for our economy, for our borders, for our international relations.

BLM, Black Lives Matter, not an organization whose views I typically align with, issued an exceedingly lucid statement about this corrupt selection process.

It said, a 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of.

The BLM statement goes on to say, installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee…without any voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites.

I agree with a BLM leader who said, this is not an attack on Kamala Harris or Black women, and right now we aren’t questioning Kamala’s qualifications or capabilities.  This is about the nominating process.

For those who claim Kamala Harris would have been the odds on favorite to win the nomination in a primary process anyway, let me ask you this.  Why didn’t Barack Obama back his VP Joe Biden for president in 2016?  Instead, he pushed for Hillary Clinton. 

Because being the vice president isn’t a guarantee of becoming the nominee for president.  We live in a democracy, not in an hereditary monarchy.

If Joe Biden was truly a patriot, if he truly had the best interests of the nation in mind, if he truly respected the democratic process for selecting a presidential candidate, he would have dropped out before the primaries.

President Lyndon Johnson in 1968, with the nation being torn asunder by the Viet Nam War, said he would not seek another term with more than 200 days before election day.  Joe Biden called it quits with just 100 days left, and he had to be arm-twisted at that.

Don’t tell me that is a great act of patriotism, as Chuck Schumer wrote after Biden’s withdrawal.

Despite the pundits saying Donald Trump has a death grip on the GOP, the Republican Party had vigorous primaries with real candidates.  Trump triumphed, but registered Republicans made their voices heard with their votes. 

Registered Democrats did not have that chance.  It was robbed from them. That isn’t a sanctification of democracy, it is a dishonoring of democracy.

And the buck for that stops with Joe Biden.

The Bidens and their coterie of cover-uppers, subverted our democratic process and now their mainstream media toadies, are lauding their treachery. 

Our primary process to select a presidential candidate is long, grueling and expensive, but it works.  It exposes the candidates to lots of scrutiny.  They are forced to answer questions from ordinary Americans in New Hampshire, Wisconsin, North Carolina, in the rust-belt and in the sun-belt. 

This past week, the Democrat Party short-circuited all that and cheated the voters of this nation.

So, Mr. Biden and your band of bullshitters, don’t tell Americans you selflessly saved us from doom.  Don’t tell us your patriotism is pure.  Don’t tell us to just never mind and to forget what you’ve done.  

Don’t.  Just don’t.  Please, please don’t.

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