Two Face, Jew Face

Though those that are betray’d do feel the treasons sharply, yet the traitor stands in worse case of woe.

William Shakespeare

President Joe Biden is two-faced.  He has a vote face and he has a Jew face.  He showed both of them this past week.

He showed his Jew face on Tuesday during a speech commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day.  He warned that the atrocities of 10/7 are already being forgotten.  Biden declared, I have not forgotten, nor have you and we will not forget.

He went on to say, my commitment to the safety of the Jewish people, the security of Israel, and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is ironclad, even when we disagree.

After finishing his speech, President Biden got a standing “o’ from the Jews in the audience.

But the very next day, as was planned before his Jew face speech, he showed his vote face.

Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett, that if Israel goes into Rafah full bore to eradicate Hamas, the very same terrorists that imperiled Israel’s security, he won’t replenish Israel with American bombs and artillery shells.  In other words, he slapped an offensive arms embargo on his staunchest ally in the Middle East, if they fight to finish off the barbarians that murdered, raped and kidnapped 1200 of its citizens.

Biden told Burnett, I’ve made it clear to Bibi and the war cabinet, they’re not going to get our support if in fact they go on these population centers.

Then he said, We’re not walking away from Israel’s security; we’re walking away from Israel’s ability to wage war in these areas.

By walking away from supporting Israel’s ability to wipe out the Hamas murderers, rapists and kidnappers, Biden is walking away from Israel’s security.

Biden, calculatingly, cynically, says one thing to keep his progressive voters happy and another thing to keep his Jews happy.

Biden’s vote face rears itself when he can’t face the possibility of losing to Donald Trump, so he exercises his muscle-memory of political double-speak, bullshitting American Jews while bull-whipping Israelis, hoping to re-energize the disenchanted and dwindling coalition that got him elected four year ago.

It’s the face that comes out when he’s petrified that the so-called pro-Palestinian protesters will suck up the media coverage at the Democratic National Convention, depriving him of the post-convention bounce he desperately needs.

Most diabolically, he shows it when members of his own party tell him they won’t work to get him re-elected unless he kow-tows to their narrative that American armaments in Israel’s hands are enabling genocide in Gaza.

Biden learned the two-face trick from America’s leading Jewish politician, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

You remember when Schumer got up in the well of the US Senate in March and delivered a searing speech calling for Bibi Netanyahu to be overthrown.

Schumer has two faces, too.  He has his Chuck, I’m the shomer or guardian of Israel face, and he has his pandering to anti-Israel Democrats, face.

Biden could never have done what he did this past Wednesday, if Schumer hadn’t shown him how to do the two-faced two-step.

Chuck Schumer, the highest ranking Jewish officeholder in history, made it kosher for Joe Biden to tell Erin Burnett that Israel can’t be trusted to defeat Hamas without wantonly slaughtering the civilians it uses as human shields in the war it started and refuses to end.

Schumer and Biden have conspired to play an ugly American game of turning this war, this war Israel didn’t ask for, into Israel’s unrestrained war, into Bibi’s war, in an effort to force regime change in Jerusalem.

They seek a more pliable Israeli leader who’ll buy into their dream of a new Middle East; one that has Israelis and Arabs singing kumbaya and a Palestinian state living in love with the Jewish state.

Biden and Schumer are clearly hell-bent on rousting Bibi from office.  It doesn’t take a New York Times columnist and wannabe secretary of state, to point that out.  But they’re doing it while Hamas still hasn’t paid the ultimate price for what it perpetrated on 10/7.   

And don’t be deluded that American allies and adversaries around the globe aren’t closely watching Biden’s faces.

New York Congressman Ritchie Torres said it clearly in a post on X after the news broke.  Torres wrote, As the leader of the free world, America cannot claim that its commitment to Israel is ‘iron-clad’ and then proceed to withhold aid from Israel.  The mixed messaging makes a mockery of our credibility as an ally. No one will take our word seriously.

A mockery that carries with it consequences that could put American security in peril.  Re-arming an ally during a righteous war is one of the pillars of any true alliance.   Standing behind an ally’s elected leaders during wartime isn’t an option, it’s an obligation.  Unless you’re Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer.

Jewish Americans are living through a nightmare of virulent Jew hatred on the streets of our cities, on our campuses, even in Congress.  We have hired guards to protect us when we pray in our synagogues and temples.   We put our kippahs in our pockets and we tell our children to hide their Stars of David.

Here’s a fact that Biden and Schumer are about to face.  On November 5th, we get our say.  Jewish American voters will choose a leader who will stand with us and who won’t betray us.

Right now, with my emotions raging and my gut aching and as I think deeply about who I’m going to vote for, the words of William Shakespeare ring true.

Though those that are betray’d do feel the treasons sharply, yet the traitor stands in worse case of woe.


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